Chapter 1

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{Stella above}
Dinah's POV
We are in LA right now and so is world champion UFC women fighter Stella Jones. I've been a huge fan of Stella ever since she won a fight against a big guy called 'big dog'. After that win she started to become a well-known fighter and was even on the TV show 'arrow'. Anyways the final fight is in 2 days and I'm trying to get the girls to come with me. "Guys come on, it's the final fight of the season and the main event is Stella vs Touka, a Chinese fighter. Please guys it will be fun and it's not like we're doing anything and big rob can come and have fun too" I begged to the girls. I'm the only one who likes UFC out of the five of us. "Ok Dinah we will go but please stop begging" ally finally gave in. I jumped around in excitement. "Yes, yes thank you it's going to be so fun" I yelled going to ally and engulfing her in a hug. "What's so good about this Stella chick anyway?" Lauren asked know paying attention. "Well she was only 19 when she went to her first fight, people say she was raised with an abusive dad all her life she had to learn to fight because she didn't just have to protect herself but had to protect her sibling to. When she was 18 moved to LA and trained. She has two best friends Sarah and Chaeliegh how are also her managers. She trained then went up against a guy named 'big dog'. She won by knock out in the first round. After that her career sky rocketed, she started fighting for the pros and is now a champion." I finished explaining. "WOW she sounds like a badass" Camilla said in awe. "Yeah she is and I can't wait to see her fight live. Also hear that she's a fan of ours." After talking for a little longer, we all went to bed. I can't wait for the fight.
It's the day of the fight, big rob is a fan of Stella's too so when we told him, he agreed. We are waiting in the crowd, some of our fans are here and have asked for autographs and of course we signed them. We were all talking when battle scars started to play, the whole crowd roared with excitement. A spot light went onto a figure walking towards the cage, it was Stella. I was in shock that I'm here watching my idol live. "Ladies and gentlemen please welcome Stella 'the knock out' Jones." The announcer said to the crowd. All you hear were the cheers of fans. "And versing her tonight is chines champion Touka Wang." A few cheers were heard and flags were rose. "Now let's get this fight started. Everyone knows how this goes, so touch glove and go!" with that Touka came at Stella swinging. Somehow Stella dodged all the shots after Touka got tired she started to slow down. I saw the look in Stella's eyes and know this fight was hers. She did shot after shot, so fast I could barely catch up. She looked out into the crowd and looked our way and gave us a smile before upper cutting Touka and winning by knock out. As Touka hit the mat the crowd erupted in cheer, it was almost as loud as one of our concerts. "Did you guys see her look at us before the knock out?" I questioned wondering if it was just me. "I saw it to, she even smiled at us" Normani said. The cheers never stopped will they were giving Stella the championship belt. After that the crowd slowly started to disappear. As we walked out side of the arena ally spoke "that actually was fun and Stella looks so in the zone and has a lot of muscles" we all looked at her with smirks "ally has a crush, ally has a crush" Camilla and I sang at the same time as Lauren and Normani laughed at the blush on ally's face. "Shut up all of you. We need to hurry up. Big rob had to do something and left so we need to get to the hotel quickly" ally changed the subject. Before any of us could reply a deep voice spoke "oh only if you were quicker. It's nice to finally meet the hot females of fifth harmony." The voice spoke with evil laced through it. We all slowly turned to see a group of men and one standing in front of the others. "Hi we would love to chat but we got to go back to our hotel so..." I spoke seeing all the other girls are in shock. What I only just noticed is that we were being backed up into an ally "oh Dinah we're going to do more than just chat to you girls, isn't that right boys" all of the men let out a laugh that would haunt someone's nightmares. I got in front of the girls ready for a fight; I could hear the girl whimpers behind me. "Girls stay calm, if one of them makes a move scream, there has to be people around." I whispered still keeping an eye on the gang. As soon as I said that one of the men walked up to Camilla about to grab her. She let out a high pitch scream and all the other girls started yelling for help. Lauren is now beside me, after ripping the other dude off Camilla. Before any off the gang members could even move a strong voice spoke angrily behind them "Hey, leave the girls alone or you're going to have to get through me first" the person spoke in a growl. Everyone looked to see who it was. No way...
Stella's POV
I was still in the locker room waiting for my match. I could hear the roaring cheers of the crowd outside. I was sitting on the bench getting focused. I felt a presence beside me and knew it was either Sarah or Chaeliegh. I looked to my side and it was Sarah.
"Are you ready? They started playing your song already and the crowds going nuts" she spoke softly knowing I was focused. I gave her a simple head node. As we walked to the door Chaeliegh was already there waiting. As soon as the door opened a rush of energy went through me. Next thing I know is that I'm touching gloves with the only person stopping me from being world champion, Touka Wang. The fight began and she went at it I know she would, my team and I have been studying her for weeks. She began to get tired at that I know it was time. I started to through shot after shot. She was so close and I knew with one last shot I would achieve my dream. I looked at the crowd before the winning knock out; I saw five familiar female faces. I can't believe this fifth harmony is at my match; I sent them a smile then ended it. The crowd screamed so loud it was deafening. Sarah and Chaeliegh came sprinting towards me and almost tackled me. I see the announcer carrying the championship belt. I was so overwhelmed I finally got my dream. As the crowd dissipated we went back into the locker room. "Let's go celebrate. Tonight is a night of fun" Sarah shouted. Chaeliegh and I both looked at each other and agreed to go. After getting everything we walked out of the arena. We were walking to a nearby club laughing and just goofing around when I heard a scream that sounded like it should be in a horror film. We all just stopped in our tracks. "What was that?" "More like who was that" "shut up you two and listen" I shushed them. The next thing we hear is voices screaming for help. We quickly but quietly went to where the screams were coming from. I looked around the corner and couldn't believe who I saw. I looked back at Sarah and Chaeliegh and all I could see was shock. There stood fifth harmony and a gang of guys who didn't look to happy about one of them screaming. Dinah and Lauren where standing in front of the other girls. I looked back at Sarah and Chaeliegh. "Get to the girls and stay with them will I handle this idiots." Once I get a head node they make their way to the girls. "Hey, leave the girls alone or you're going to have to get through me first" I almost growled out. I could see the fear in the gang's eyes. "Get her" I'm guessing the leader yelled. None of the gang members moved, finally one came at me. He came out swinging. With one shot he was on the ground groaning in pain. One by one the other gang members came at me and one by one they fell. As I was dealing with the last gang member I heard the sound of a pocket knife coming out. Before I could turn, my body filled with pain. The knife was still in my side as I turned, knowing if I took it out I would bleed out and the girls would get hurt. I could just see through my blurry vision the leader going over to the girls. I didn't have enough energy to get up but enough to get out my own knife and throw it. I couldn't see anymore but I could hear the scream of pain coming for the guy and the panicked shouts of Sarah and Chaeliegh. Everything went black after that.

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