Chapter 2

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Ally's POV
Stella just put her life on line for us. All of the girls and I were still standing there in shock will Stella's friends rushed over to her. She was just lying there, not moving. None of the girls know but I know who Stella was before Dinah told us, and I've had a major crush on her for, forever. I was the first one to get out of my daze and I quickly made my way to Stella's side. Sarah was putting pressure on her wound while Chaeliegh was on the phone with someone. I lifted Stella's head and placed it on my lap. One by one the other girl started to come and see what was happening. After what felt like hours a van came and parked at the end of the ally and a buff dude come out and straight to us, he had a kit in his hand that he put on the ground as he knelt. "Chaeliegh what the hell happened? Why does Stella have a f**king knife in her side?" he asked worried as he worked to see if she was ok. "We were just walking when we heard a scream. We came and looked and saw these girls being surrounded by a gang, the girl are a band fifth harmony and Stella is a big fan so she fought the gang. The leader pulled out a knife and stabbed her. As he was coming towards us she got out her own knife and threw it at him then passed out." She rushed out still worried for her friend. He looked at us "do you girls have a hotel we can bring her to. I can stitch her up there. Ring big rob to come pick you guys up." "Yeah you can bring her to our hotel. How do you know big rob." I asked; as Camilla rang big rob to tell him to come here "I know him because we used to work together. He was a guard for Stella right at the beginning of her career and then became your guard" all of us went silent waiting for big rob. After a couple minutes our van came into sight. "Really, the one time I leave you girls, this happens." After telling him what happened, he and Stella's bodyguard put her in the van and we all went back to our hotel. All of us where waiting in Lauren and Camilla's room will the boys and the medics looked after Stella in my room since I had an extra bed in there. "Guys I need to say that I knew about Stella and have been a fan of hers before Dinah even spoke about her and I sort of have a crush on her." After that I heard choirs of awes from all the girls' even Stella's friends. "Well you didn't hear it from me but Stella's had a crush on you since we saw you guys on x-factor." Sarah informed me, before I could ask anything else big rob came in and told us Stella was awake and that we could go see her. We all rushed out of the room and into the one next door. As we opened the door, we saw Stella lying in bed with her shirt off. I stood there staring at her abs for what felt like hours but was brought back to reality by her voice. "Take a picture it'll last longer" I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as the girls giggled at my reaction to the small comment. "Are you ok Stell?" Chaeliegh asked "well I'm not dead so yeah I'm fine" Stella said with a big goofy smile on her face. I couldn't help but think it was adorable. The girls and I giggled at her response will Sarah and Chaeliegh rolled their eyes. "Well what happened? All I remember is me winning the championship and us walking until we heard the girls scream." "Well after you took at the whole gang the leader pulled out a knife and stabbed you. He came towards us. Somehow you had enough energy to get your own knife and through it and stabbed him. After that you blacked out. We called the boys to come and get us and john stitched you up along with the medics." Chaeliegh explained. "Well what a first impression. Well hello ladies you probably know but I'm Stella and a big fan of you guys." Stella said facing all of us. "Hey. Well we're big fans of you and thank for saving our lives" Normani spoke for us. "It's an honour to save 5 beautiful ladies like yourselves" I noticed when she said beautiful she looked at me, smiled then quickly looked at the other girls. I could feel my heat racing. "So k just rang Simon and told him what happened and he sends his thanks to you Stella and he also wanted me to ask you something" dinah said after hanging up her phone. "What's up?" Stella asked tilting to the side slightly, which I found adorable. "Well since the season I'd over for you and we start tour soon he was wondering if you would be our bodyguard. Big rob can protect us when we're out, but Simon wants someone 24/7 with us, will you do it?" Please say yes, please say yes "I would be honoured to" oh this tour should be interesting.

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