chapter 5

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mystery person's POV

so she would risk her life for the girls, mostly for the short one. maybe we should put her loyalty to the test. I throw my blade at the dart board across the room. they think we're after them, well their wrong. I will get you Stella and this time your not living to see the next day. after leaving the room the blade feel from the board leaving a cut right between the eyes of Stella's picture.

no one POV

Ally and Stella went on their date and had an amazing time. Stella had taken ally to dinner on the beach and watched the sunset together. after that night the pair had become closer then ever sharing kisses and flirting when ever they could. even though Stella had been protective before she was even more now because she is falling in love and she's hoping that ally will be there to catch her. the girls where now in Lauren and Camila's home state Miami. they would be staying at the 2 households but Stella insisted on staying on the bus and keeping watch of the houses (pretend that their neighbours) ally had argued with Stella about the situation and both had been ignoring the other since then. the girls were in the Jauregui household talking. ally had been quiet only talking when being ask a question. she was thinking about Stella and how there fight went. she was cut off by Dinah talking to her. "you should stop thinking about her. she was just trying to protect you" she sounded almost harsh. "Dinah chill out why so harsh" Normani intervened "because don't you guys remember what I told you the first time I mentioned her" all of us were quiet trying to remember. after no one said anything thing Dinah continued. "she knows how to fight not because she wanted to its because she had to. Stella's mum was abused by her father to the point were she was in the hospital. after that he started to go after Stella and her little sister and brother. her mum sadly passed and that just made the beatings worse. she took both beating for her siblings so they didn't have to go through that pain. after years of being beaten she sent her siblings to a family member on her mums side and continued being beaten. she learned over time how to fight and one day when she was 18 she finally fought back long enough for police to come and arrest her father. he's in jail for murder of her mother and child abuse. she hasn't seen her siblings since she sent them to their family member." the room was quiet all of us taking in this new information. I might have been a fan of Stella's but I never looked into her past. "that's been 7 years" Lauren mumbled loud enough for us to hear "yeah 7 years without seeing the only family I had left. hey would be 18 now. and I've missed so much of their lives" our heads shot towards the door once Stella started talking. "I came to say goodnight ... so goodnight girls" with that she rushed out the door back to the bus. all the girls and I had gone to bed after Stella had left. I couldn't sleep so used to being wrapped in Stella's arms. after staring at the ceiling for what felt like hours I decided that I cant sleep without her. after putting on shoes I walked towards the bus. after typing in the code and shutting the door I made my way to Stella and i's bunk. I saw her their sleeping peacefully. I slowly crawled into the bunk and cuddled into Stella. soon I felt her wrap her arms around me making me feel loved and safe. "ally what are you doing in here?" she questioned still holding me. "I couldn't sleep without you. now go to sleep" the last thing I remember is Stella planting a tender kiss on my head before I was meet with sleep.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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