Chapter 3

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  My drunken eyelids lifted, and the rest of my body awoke with them. The bed I was laying on was very uncomfortable, and I couldn’t bear to lay on it. Instead of suffering, I rolled off the bed, as I was unable to stand, and fell to the stone floor.

  Ouch. Jeez, that’s a hard floor. Where in the world am I? What is this place? I thought as I looked above me, only to see a single torch that illuminated the room.

  I turned over onto my stomach to get a better look at everything, but got very dizzy while doing so. The whole world was now doing the wave, and I could only make out two glasses of beer and something else, all put on a tray.

  My mind told me to leave everything where I found it, and more consumption of alcohol would knock me out, once again. On the other hand, my gut told me I was parched, and beer might just help me to cleanse the urge. Problem was, I always trusted my gut. So I picked up one of the glasses, drank it, and suddenly the world spun in circles again.


  The floor felt like dirt as it pressed against the side of my face. All light was drained form the area, and my head was spinning, still working off the over dosage of alcohol.

  My eyes suddenly opened wide as I realized I wasn’t in the bed I had been left to sleep in. I lifted myself up on one arm, careful not to work too hard. Now, sitting up, my eyes adjusted the extremely low light, making it possible to learn about my surroundings.

  I coughed once, clearing the mucus from my throat, caused by the cold winter had brought on me. This hurt my head, so I figured it might just be best to lay back down and figure out where I was when I felt better.


  After a few hours of extra sleep, I felt much better. This made it possible for me to simply jump to my feet and look around. The first step I took… “Oof. That’s a wall.” I remarked as I hit the stone wall in front of me. Since I couldn’t see clearly, it was impossible to know where I was.

  I then ran into something else, which made a loud BONG noise as my head collided with it. Stepping back, I rubbed my forehead, which took most of the impact.

  So hazardous… Whoever’s keeping me in here obviously hates me.

  As I said that and walked in another direction, I hit something else, which made a sound like metal; obviously an iron door.

  I was starting to regain my sanity, now able to identify objects. Woo-hoo for being sober!

  My hands then clenched the bars that were over the window of the door.

  “Hello? Anyone there?” My half-drunk voice called, echoing throughout the chamber.

  As I got no answer, I shuffled backwards. While doing so, I scuffed directly over a stone, large enough to knock me to the floor.

  Whoa. I’m definitely not lucky today.

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