Chapter 40

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Thanks for sticking with me for 40 chapters!

I appreciate it...

Most people have dropped out.

Well, thanks!

Hermione's POV:

I have only been in here for around six hours, and the thirst and hunger has already set in.

My throat is already scratchy, and my stomach in growling constantly.

It'll be dawn soon.

Its around 5:00 in the morning.

I'm lucky because of one thing, though.

There's a clock above the door so I can tell the time.

Its also accurate, so that's good.

I smiled grimly at my one tiny piece of luck.

I was utterly and completely unlucky in every other perspective of my situation.

I needed to look for food or water.

I stood up from my fetal position on the floor.

Just standing up made my stomach heave.

I clutched it, determined not to throw up the little food I have in !my stomach.

Once the wave of nausea had passed, I began to search the office.

I started with the desk.

I looked through all the drawers.

They were all empty except for one paperclip.

Like that would save me.

I moved on to the cabinet of metal pull-out drawers.

They had nothing too.

I thought that the lack of everything was odd at first.

Then I remembered that the "chief" was a fake.

This police station was obviously hijacked in anticipation of our arrival.

We were lucky that we didn't ask for a tour.

We would just encounter more Death Eaters.

I wonder if Fenrir was still.

I walked over to the door and pressed my ear to it.

All I heard was the buzz of electricity.

My hands began to shake.

I was trapped here.

I backed away from the door.

I thought about breaking the glass and reaching out to unlock the door.

However, I didn't have anything strong enough to break the obviously think glass.

I also didn't know if a Death Eater had put a spell on the outside of the door.

I didn't want to risk it.

I looked up at the tiny window.

Right now, it was the only provider of light.

I realized that it was dawn.

A little light was seeping through the window.

I grabbed the chair from behind the desk and wheeled it over under the window.

I carefully stood up on it.

I looked out the window at the world I thought I knew.

Hey guys!

I made a cover book!

I think they're good, so if you need a cover, go check it out.


Lots of love and Potter vibes, Vanessa

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