Beautiful Stranger

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I can feel my face turning red by the second.

I had just fell in to the lap of the most beautiful guy ever! He makes this garden look like the trash that trash throws out!

He has raven black hair, with light green eyes that make you feel safe when you look into them. His face is rounded like an oval. His hair perfectly shapes it, making him look even more marvelous, as his flawless skin shines under the light of the sun. His arms are wrapped around my waist, safely securing me from falling head first towards the ground. He looks at me,and a small grin forms on his lips as he chuckles. And when I think that he couldn't get any cuter, his little grin forms into a full blown smile, revealing that he has dimples! He's perfect.

I'm still in a daze as he let's me go,while steadying me on my feet as I stand up.

"So,you finally made it?" He says with a raspy tone that sends shivers down my spine.

"Uh,y,yeah.It was harder then it looks." What is wrong with me! He's just some guy! He's juts some utterly adorable guy,but he's still just a guy. There's no use in fawning over him. Just get yourself together and act like you. No problem.

"Is it? Is it really?" He asks as he looks at me narrow sided.

"Yes, yes it was. Are you the one who just randomly texted me?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

"Don't change the subject-" Crap! Really!"-and yes,yes I was. Got a problem?" He says as he holds both arms out to his side, and looks himself up and down, and then says "Come at me bro!", as he starts to laugh. I can't help but laugh with him.

"You know, your quite the sassy one." He says as he finishes laughing. I look at him and then a goofy smile forms across his face and I giggle.

"I get that a lot."

"Really. Well than,why don't you do something about it?"

"I don't know. Why don't you do something about your stalker issue?" I aske him with an innocent face and a lip pout.

"I don't know. Maybe I like having a stalker issue."He says repeating the same look.

"And why is that?" I ask,giving him a confused look, that only makes him laugh under his breath.

"Because,I get to stalk pretty girls." He says as he steps a foot closer to me, while leaning his head towards my ear. Then he whispers"Such as your self.", and goes back to his spot, as I stand there frozen at the fact that he just said that.

"Uh, um,w,well...." I'm lost with words. I don't know how to react.

"You know, your cuter when your not giving attitude." He says trying to make me get unstuck.

"Oh,really?" That snaps me out of it."You should see how cute I am when I'm punching you in the face." He looks at me and then puts both of his hands on his heart.

"Oh the pain, the agony!" He screams out. "I'd like to see you try." He says as he suddenly comes down to me and picks me up wedding style.

"Your making this too easy."I say as has he puts his face even closer to mine.

"Well, I wouldn't want you run out of energy by trying so hard." I giggle at that.

"Ok,just remember, you asked for it." And then, I punch him.

A soft punch though.

He puts me down, and covers his mouth."It hurts! It hurts! It really hurts!" he yells as he jumps back in the pain.I suddenly get nervous, so I go over to check on him.

"I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" I ask as I put my hand on his back,so that he could turn around for me to see his face. He slowly turns around,his hand's still covering his lips.

"Cm'on ,let me see." I say as I move his hand away from his mouth.I have to stand on my tiptoes in order to do so. He's like 6 feet tall.

"No!"He then snatches his hand away before I can see his lip,and put's it back on the same spot.

"Please!" I wine, eventually he gives up and let's me see it. I slowly move his hand again,not wanting to cause him any more pain. I finally get his hand all the way off. I look at his lip. He's sticking his bottom lip out, so that I have to move it, considering he wasn't going to do it himself. I lift his bottom lip up,to see the injury, and to my surprise, when I lift it there's nothing there. Not even a scratch.

"YOU LITTLE LIAR!" I yell as I push him away and punch him in the chest.

"Ah! Chill before you actually hurt me." He says.

"Oh, I'm gonna hurt you! You made me think that I really messed you up or something!"

"That was the point!" He laughs."But I'm sorry." I look at him,and he has the stupidest face on. He tilts his head while pouting and wiggling his eye brows. I start too laugh.

"Ok, your forgiven." I say. "Hey, you know what I just realized? I don't know your name." I say as he came closer to me.

"Oh, right! My name is Lachlan. But my friends call me lock."    

Fifteen #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now