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My dearest,

I've always been a fighter, I've always said what I think, I've always done what I wanted, I've always been me.

In my many years of living, I've learned that you shouldn't let anything nor anyone knock you down. There were many people who envied me, who wished they had my intelligence, who wanted to be me. But their anger only grew when they realized that they weren't capable to do what I do and be who I am.

I always laughed at those people. I always thought to myself, why would anyone go through so much trouble just to see someone fail? I still don't know the answer, but I can tell you this: the roles have been reversed and now I want to be them. Not for their beauty, or their career, not even for their money. I want to be them for still having the gift of life.

I've learned to accept my faith. And thanks to you and who you are, you made me stronger. Despite you not being aware of what's going on, you've given me the strength enough to move on and not be afraid of what's to come.

I will love you forever. I will treasure every moment I've spent with you. I will be your guardian angel. I will protect you from the hands of those who want to see you fail. I will give you a sign when you need it the most. My love for you will never end. It's a love soo strong and fearless, that it can move mountains and conquer the world.

I hope one day you can move on and find happiness with someone else. Just know that my heart will never stop beating until the end.

Yours Truly,

Miranda Kalb


So this is my fourth story on Wattpad and I'm excited to write this story and share it with the world.

This is just a small glimpse of the story. If you have any comments please write them. Vote if you like it.

Check out my other three stories if you haven't already.

Thanks 💕

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