The Talk

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This chapter will be the start of a Bruce and Selina relationship (kinda)

"Master Bruce and Miss Kyle breakfast will be ready in 5 minutes" yelled Alfred.

"Ok Alfred thank you" Bruce responded.

But Selina didn't respond.

Bruce decided to take a shower before eating breakfast.

He enters and locks the bathroom door,he strips from his clothes and enters the shower.

Selina takes a quick peak down the hallway and doesn't see Bruce.

She quietly walks toward the kitchen to see if she hears Bruce but doesn't.

she quickly takes a seat and starts to eat.

"Well Miss Kyle how are you liking your stay here at the Manor" said Alfred.

"It's fine" said Selina

"Really now, you don't get bored at all" said Alfred.

"No...well maybe sometimes" said Selina stuffing her face with food.

"Would you like to talk to Bruce?" said Alfred.

"No" said Selina in a mad voice.

"Well why not he's a well educated young man" said Alfred.

"Maybe because I don't want to" said Selina.

Selina gets up walks back to her room.

As soon as Selina shuts her door another one opens.

Bruce comes out of the study and walks toward the kitchen.

Bruce takes a seat and stars to eat with Alfred.

"Good morning Alfred" said Bruce.

"Have you talked to Selina yet master Bruce" said Alfred.

"Yes...well no...I asked her a question yesterday and she didn't respond" said Bruce.

"And what question did you ask her" asked Alfred.

Bruce freaked out not knowing what to say.

"Ummm what did she like to do" Said Bruce.

"shes a criminal, what do you think criminals do" said Alfred.

Bruce puts his plate in the sink and walks away.

Bruce feels bad for not telling Alfred the truth.

But he walks back into the study and starts looking through some files.

Time goes by its now 4:50 p.m

Alfred walks into the study to find Bruce studying.

"Master Bruce are you ready to do some training" said Alfred.

"Yes Alfred give me a minute to get ready" said Bruce.

"Ok I'll wait for you outside" said Alfred.

Alfred walks away.

Bruce walks into his room and takes his shirt and pants off.

He walks to his wardrobe and pulls out a pair of shorts and a blue dri-fit shirt.

Bruce then goes outside.

Bruce and Alfred start training.

Selina gets bored and decides to take a walk around the manor.

She's up stairs looking out the balcony and all of a sudden she hears Alfred.


She looks down and sees Bruce and Alfred training.

Selina eyes can't get off of seeing Bruce's dri-fit shirt stuck to his body from all of his sweat.

She's mesmerized by all the muscle Bruce has on his chest and stomach.

Selina try's to snap out of it and walks away.

"That's enough training for today" said Alfred.

Selina heard Alfred and she starts to run towards her room.

Bruce sees Selina.

"Selina wait" said Bruce.

Bruce grabs Selina's arm.

Selina turns around and says "what".

"Why were you under my bed" said Bruce.

"I wanted to know what was in your room ok you came out of your bathroom and I freaked out so I  hid under your bed and I accidentally fell asleep" said Selina.

Selina then goes into her room and slams the door.

Bruce leans his head on her door and says "Selina tomorrow I'm going to a gala I was wondering if you'd like to join me"

After a couple of seconds of hearing no response Bruce walks away and Into his study.

Hope you enjoyed please leave a comment thank you 😄

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