Food Life Hacks!

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1. Insert a straw through the bottom of a strawberry to remove leaves.

2. To check if your eggs are bad put them in a cup of water. If they float they are bad, if the sink then they are fresh to eat!

3. Make a yummy grilled-cheese my turning the toaster side-ways.

4. To keep your baked goods from getting hard, place a slice of bread in the container to make them soft.

5. You can easily make banana ice-cream by freezing peeled bananas, the pop them in a food processor. Top off with sprinkles and strawberries!

6. Eat dark chocolate to avoid gaining as much weight as you would with regular chocolate.

7. Make your scrambled eggs creamier by putting a tablespoon of milk in for each egg.

8. Cut the ends of hangers that have clips off and use them to close your chip bags.

9. If your making cookies but run out of vanilla, you can replace it with brown sugar.

10. You can toast your hamburger buns or bread by lightly buttering them and toasting them in your oven until they are lightly brown.

11. To easily peel avocados, cut them in half, then peel both sides.

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