Nail Polish Hacks!

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1. Dry your nails in 3 minutes by putting them in ice cold water or the snow.

2. Fix a broken nail by using a tea bag and nail glue.

3. Take apart a loofah and use the netting to get a fishnet manicure.

4. Make a dotting tool by pushing a pin on the eraser end of a pencil.

5. Spray your nail with and oil spray to set your manicure and prevent smudging your fancy nails!

6. When applying a chunky nail polish, don't brush it but instead dab it on.

7. Apply multiple thin coats of polish instead if one very thick coat.

8. If you don't own a dotting tool you can use a toothpick for designs and small details instead!

9. Fix smudged nail polish by licking it.

10. Apply a rubberized base coat to your nails so your nail polish lasts longer.

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