Chapter 30: Passing Notes

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Aria's POV

Walking into the school, I search the front hallway for the office where I will be presented with my schedule. At least that's what Phil told me. I finally spot the office and walk to the door where there's a bigger woman with blonde hair and a blue sweater on who greets me with a smile.

"Hello, miss" I say politely, though I couldn't care less. "Hello" she says in a nice tone. "Is there anything I can do for you?" "Yes, actually" I walk towards her desk inside the room. "I'd like to get my schedule, please." I tell her. She nods and asks for my name. "Aria Howell" I say. She nods again and scrolls through her computer. "Ah.." She says softly. "There you go" She motions to a printer on the opposite side of the room. I walk over to it and take my paper that printed from it. "Thanks" I tell her and leave the office.

I take a look at my schedule.
First period: Math

I roll my eyes. Great way to start off a Monday. Math. I look for the teachers name on my schedule. Ms. Callaway. I search for the classroom with her name printed on it and once I find it, I walk inside. Everyone's eyes lose focus on the teacher and shoot straight at me. (A/n straighter than my sexuality lmao)

Ms. Callaway turns around and smiles at me. "You must be Aria?" She guesses. I nod and she says "Okay. Let's get right to it. How about I you sit.." She puts her finger on the seating chart and runs it down the list of names and seats. ".. Next to Alex." I stop and look at her.

Alex? Scanning the class, I notice him in the back next to an empty seat. One of the only empty seats, to be precise. "O- okay." I say and walk to the seat. He greets me with a simple 'hey' and I return it with a "hey Alex"

I set my backpack on the floor and get out a pencil. Ms. Callaway goes back to what she was doing before, teaching the class.

Feeling my hand being brushed, I look down and see a note beside my arm. I slowly take the note into my lap and unfold it.

It read:
Hi Aria. I know you're new and I think you seem cool. We should hang out sometime.


I feel my ears get hot as I slowly fold the note back up. I look at Alex and catch his eye for a few moments before he looks back at the teacher, though I can tell he isn't paying attention to her rather than the note he gave me. I flip the slip of paper over and write: Thanks so much, Alex. I would love to hang out! Is Wednesday, okay with you?

I slip the note on his desk and look around the room. I hear crinkling as he opens the note, smiling as he reads my response. He writes back and then lays the note back on my desk. Unfolding it once more, I read the note.

Thanks perfect! I'm actually having a party at my house that night. Many kids will be there. It won't be too big of a party but it's going to be lit. It's at 10 pm. See you there?

Oh no, I think. My dads wouldn't allow me to go to a party that late on a school night. Well.. Maybe he will. What if Alex doesn't like me or think I'm cool if I say no? I'm not cool anyway..

I write back:

Count me in xx

I give him the note right as the bell rings and we are dismissed to our next class.

6 hours later

I wait outside for one of my dads to pick me up. "Aria!" I hear someone shout. I look around and notice Alex waving at me, standing next to Carter. "Hey!" I reply. He walks over to me, Carter following him. She smiles. "I ju-" He begins. "Oh that's our ride." Carter retorts, shooting me a look. I nod, a bit confused. Why would Carter do that? "Aw.. Okay. Catch ya later, Aria." He says, walking to the car. He stops and turns around, right before climbing inside of it. "Sorry about calling you Ariana this morning. I didn't hear you correctly, I suppose" I laugh. "It's alright!" I tell him. He smiles and gets in. "Aria!!" I hear Dan say as a taxi drives up to the curb where I'm standing. "Hey" I reply. I see Phil on the opposite side of the taxi. I climb inside, squeezing between them with my backpack in my lap. They ask me about my day and I tell them all about it. "That sounds fun" Phil says brightly. "Yeah" I say. We arrive at the flat building and it doesn't take us too long to get to the flat. "I'm going to start my homework." I tell my dads as I give them both a quick hug. "Okay" Dan says, giving me a side hug. Phil does the same. I go to my bedroom and begin my boring homework.

Author's note:
So I wrote more this time!! I hope you all liked this chapter.

So from now on, I would love if you could all just take the time to rate my writing each time I update! I appreciate it so much when you all did the last few times! It helps me know where to fix my mistakes, what to add, and how well I'm writing! Thanks!!

Words: 945

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