Chapter 68: Is That Seat Taken?

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Author's Note:
I'm updating in the car since I'm on a long trip. I'm surprised by the amount of people that enjoy reading my book. I honestly didn't think this many people would enjoy my book. Thank you all❤️

Also: I haven't written this in a while so if any of this doesn't match up, it's because I probably forgot or didn't realize. Just leave a comment next to anything you find that is kinda confusing or doesn't make sense and I'll see what I can do. Sorry in advance. I'm doing my best! Merry Christmas and enjoy!

Aria's POV
I roll my eyes as I shuffle to the school doors. This prison again? Didn't I come here yesterday? and the day before? I think to myself. I walk in and trudge up the steps to my locker.
After putting everything in my locker, I head to my classroom and take my seat. Not many students are here before me, maybe just 8, so I decide to get out my drawing journal and sketch a few things. I begin to draw a flower and then an eye and then a bowl of fruit. Everything I can think of.

With my nose in my journal, I fail to notice Carter walking in. He takes a seat next to me and taps me on the shoulder. "This seat taken?" He whispers. I look up and his face is only a few inches from mine. "N-no." I say. He grins and sits back in his chair. I close my journal but before I can put it away, he slides it in front of him. I don't know what to say so I just sit there as he flips through the pages.
He stares at my drawings and I stare at him, focusing closely on every freckle on his charming face. I don't realize how long I had been staring until he snaps his fingers in front of my face.
"Aria?" He says. "You with me?"
I let out a little laugh. "Yeah sorry."
He gives me my journal back. "They're really good. Better than anything I could do." He says smiling.
"Thanks. I w-" The bell interrupts me. He stands up and says "Gotta go. Spanish test next period and I can't be late. Talk later?" "Y- yeah sure." I manage to say.
He winks and walks out of the door. I stand up and grab all of my things. I notice my hands are sweaty. I wipe my palms on my jeans and make my way to my next class. I hold my stuff in one arm and use my other arm to try to cover my face so others can't see how pink it is.

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