Blooky x Reader

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A/N: (gasps) What is this?!? An update?!? (wow!)//
Dammit so sorry for the wait//
Have fun :") //

"So how was your day....? Its ok if you dont wanna tell me..." A certain insecure robot was sitting before you, rubbing his arm in a slightly awkward manner.

For you, your day was fantastic. Alphy's had kicked you out (you lived there) and you were stuck homeless and when you went to work, Mettaton was waiting for you.
Ofcourse you thought it was a promotion. That is until you got fired. Sans apparently hates you for making his brother cry (not your fault!) And Toriel supports that bone-head.

"My day was great"

"O-oh really?" Blooky smiled, but it was gone quickly.

"Yeah.. how about yours?" You asked sketchily.

"It... it was... ok.. A-Alphys gave me an n-new accessory.. I.. she n-never explained what it was..." Blooky looked away slightly, "I.. I understand if you dont want to see it..." There he goes again with his self-depressing talk when he took out a blue box from absolutely nowhere. You, out of pity, took the box and opened it.

What lurked inside made your face heat up so much that you could probably challenge Grillbys.

"I..its a dick?" You said, voice a higher octave than usual.

"A what?" Blooky's voice was devoid to any stuttering.

"A-A dick..." You stared up at him in wonder of how he's so innocent, "Its the male reproductive o-organ.., you use i-it to pee....", you forced those words out, carefully choosing them so you wouldnt excactly ruin his innocence.

"Oh..." his voice faded into a whisper, before he looked at you, fixing his headphones on his neck, "C-can you show me h-how to use it..?"

You were taken aback by his question, the blush that had previously tried to disperse from your face was again regaining control and burning down your neck, "I-I.. sure.."

He looked at you, eyes wide, then looked away, "S-sorry- I didn't mean to m-make you uncomfortable"

You shook your head, even though he couldnt see it, "Its okay..." You soothed, and picked up the detachable dick from the box, dropping it almost immediately when he made a small croaking noise, hands springing to between his legs.

"A-ack!" you apologized profusely, moving to try and pull the robot into a comforting hug, but he stopped you with a small push.

"P-please... d-dont..." He looked at you, gently, and spoke again, "J-just help me with t-that thing... "

You, ofcourse, nodded, and picked up the dick, carefully now, watching him grind his hips into his hand, "W-why is this-" he started to tear up, and you knew immediately this was torture for him. The innocent Blooky, who had never even felt the slight of arousal or stimulation, never learning about reproduction.

"Shh.. its ok..." You tried to console him, holding onto the dick daintly before setting it down right next to him, and moving his hands, holding them and squeezing them lightly.

"Give me a moment.." you murmer, holding his dick as lightly as possible, hearing his whimpers as you pull his white leggings off.

Since you used to live with Alphys, you knew exactly how the robot genitals were used, as you had worked with Mettaton many times.
You press on his ctotch, and a panel buldges out, allowing you to take it off and hook the penis in with a neat hiss of compressed air.

You look up, expecting to see poor Blooky regaining his composture. But what you did see had you fighting back a blushed-up grin. He was biting his prostetic hands, a bright cherry-blossom blush on his cheeks. His eyes were wide open, specks of tears in awkwardness visible in the corners.

"Y-y/n?" He mumbled around his fingers, "C-can you..."

You nodded, and started pointing out the parts of the penis to him, in incredible detail, feeling the blush creep up your neck, watching him nod in understanding.

It was a brief explanation, no matter the detail of it. Blooky had made some really weird expressions during it, especially with the reproduction part of your little speech, mumbling something about soul-sex.

"C-can you-" He stopped himself, once you were done, hesitating.

"What do you need, Blooky?" You said sweetly, ignoring the blush falling down.

"I-I... c-can you touch it again..."

You thought about going against it, but you just couldnt say no to the robot, so you reached down, and lightly stroked it.

He breathed out, taking it in better than before, relaxing under your hand.

You moved your hand up, feeling his sigh of content, and moved it down. You pumping up and down in a quicker pace, feeling him get bigger in some way, and crouched over his legs, feeling his arm on your shoulder for support.

"Y-y/n!" He called out your name, and his /genetic material/ spilled on your arm and some on your shirt.

"S-sorry! I-I didnt mean t-to..." he trailed off, and you shook your head, leaning over to him and mumbling an "its okay". Lightly pecking his lips, you dared down and pushed your shorts off, and your panties.

He'd seen you naked plenty of times when he was a ghost, but you dont think he knew there was something special inbetween your legs, that is, before your explanation.

You cupped his cheeks, and leaned in for a kiss, but he refused, and pushed you down on the couch softly.

"C-can I try...?" You didnt know what he meant by that, but he took off your shirt, so you assumed he wanted to take over.

He didnt know what to do with your breasts, other than poke them, so he just leaned for that kiss you wanted, spreading your legs apart, the cold air kissing your hot core, making it slightly drip out.

He was kissing you, and you were kissing him back. Eyes closed, lips locked, tounges in the other's mouth, hands searching. It was almost a dream to you.

You press his back down, and he complied, making you able to line up yourself, ready to buck up, but he raised his ass up, and didnt let you do anything, moving your legs up for more air space.

You panted into the kiss as he made a shaming noice. Who knew he even had the slightest bondage and dominant kinks?

He, suddenly, plunged into you to his hilt. And it fucking hurt. You cried out in pain, breaking the kiss, and he looked like he just ran over a puppy. He started to apologize again, over and over, but you tried to calm down your speeding heartrate, and told him to keep going.

He started slower now, but naturally increased how fast he moved, going at an intence speed in a mere six minutes.

Then, you came. It was like a sunshine to the darkness of the ghost. He was still going hard though, and you're pretty sure he cummed, too, so you try and stop it by calling out his name, and his head snapped to your attention, and he slowed down, staring at you as you mouthed your words, face constricted in overwhelming pleasure.

"Stop... please..." You mumbled and he complied, frowning, but pulled out, and then put on the biggest grin you have ever seen on the sad monster.

"T-thank you... I- " He paused, "-I love you... (Y/N)"

You tensed. Oh shit. You were in trouble.

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