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Karlie is sitting in the school library, doodling sunflowers on her chemistry notes, when her friend Taylor slides into the chair next to her. A wave of excitement flashes in Karlie's green eyes, the kind of joy she always feels when Taylor is around. She's incredibly thankful that by some miracle, her and Taylor are in the same 6th hour study hall this year. Typically, an underclassman like Karlie wouldn't have access to a free period, but she took online American history over the summer, allowing a block in her schedule to open up.

"So you're completely prepared for your chem test tomorrow, I see," Taylor grins, eying the sunflower doodles that now entirely cover Karlie's notes.

"I've basically given up. I will never know the difference between a cation and an anion," Karlie sighs, putting down her yellow colored pencil.

Taylor's eyes go wide and her eyebrows raise, an indication that she's about to tell a really horrible joke, bound to make Karlie laugh. "Hey Karlie, I already took chemistry. I can help you study. And I can definitely tell you what a cation is."

"Okay, what is it?" Karlie asks, staring right into Taylor's playful blue eyes.

Taylor pauses for a moment, then continues, "It's an ion with a paws-itive charge!"

"That joke was awful," Karlie laughs, proceeding to jot the joke down in her notes. Taylor is still smiling wide, proud of herself for making Karlie feel a little bit happier.

"You'll remember the difference now. You're welcome," Taylor smirks.

Karlie smiles to herself and a few moments of silence pass. Taylor begins to set out her binders and notebooks on the table, her blonde waves falling in front of her face as she reaches into her backpack.

The girls work quietly for a few minutes, then Taylor pipes up, "Do you like the theme of the Winter Formal this year?"

Every year, their school has a winter dance, aka the winter formal. And every year there is a different theme. Last year, junior year for Taylor, was an ice kingdom theme. She went with an acquaintance named Harry, only because she felt bad saying no. Her and Harry never actually dated, they only attended that one dance. They were so different, personality wise. Also, there was just something about it that Taylor was uneasy with. She hadn't figured it out exactly what; it just didn't feel right.

"Winter in Paris, I love it," Karlie replies. She has been dreaming of going to Paris since she was a little girl. Everything seemed so extravagant there.

"So incredibly romantic," Taylor gushes, then nonchalantly adds, "Not like I'll go this year, though."

"Oh yeah, me either," Karlie mumbles. She's never been to a high school dance. One boy asked her to homecoming, last year when she was a freshman, but she declined. She didn't even know the boy, anyway.

"Karlie, you should go! You'd have a lot of fun. You have to experience at least one high school dance," Taylor encourages.

Karlie shrugs. "You didn't have fun with Harry last year."

Taylor sighs. "Harry spent most of the night focused on his friend Louis instead of me. But I did have fun, trust me."

Before Karlie can reply, the bell rings, cutting their conversation short. Both girls pack up their school supplies and walk of of the library.

"I'll walk with you to choir," Karlie half shouts, as her and Taylor navigate through the crowded hallway. Not only does Taylor take choir during the school day, but she also participates in an after school singing group. As they near closer to the music room, sounds of voices fill the air.

"The sounds of your people," Karlie gestures.

"I should probably go join them." Taylor hesitates for a moment. "Thanks for walking with me."

A second passes in which the girls just stare at each other, until Karlie moves her gaze to the floor. "No problem, Taylor. Have fun. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow, Kloss." Taylor smiles.


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