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"Morning mom!" Karlie says, walking through the front door of the Kloss house after finishing up her Saturday morning run. She's glad that the weekend offers a few hours of free time; her run this morning allowed her to get her heart rate up and clear her mind.

"Hi dear," Tracy greets her daughter, "How was your run?"

"It was much needed," Karlie laughs as she slips off her tennis shoes.

"Why?" Tracy asks, knowing that her daughter uses exercise as a way to avoid problems, "Is something bothering you?"

Karlie shakes her head, hugging her mom briefly before opening the fridge. She grabs some ingredients for a smoothie: frozen bananas and almond milk. She gets her protein powder out of the cupboard and then proceeds to empty the three ingredients into the blender.

"You seem extra cheerful today," Tracy comments.

Karlie begins to think back to last night and the time she spent with Taylor in her secret hideout. She blushes when remembering how Taylor called her adorable. "Yeah...I think it's about time you bought me that dress...I found someone to ask to the dance."

"Oh!" Tracy exclaims, dropping the cooking utensil that was in her hands. After recomposing herself, Tracy grins at her daughter in a motherly way and asks, "Who is this someone?"

"Well..." Karlie's voice fades away. Can I tell her? She must know by now. I've been dropping hints about this for years: the way I dress, the people I look up to--but I'm not ready to...come out? God, I only know what I've read on tumblr. I guess my mom didn't say "him", she said "someone", so maybe, just maybe..no it was probably just a coincidence. What are my feelings towards Taylor? Is this a phase? She decides to test the waters and see what happens, "That someone's name would be Taylor."

"Taylor? Your school's quarterback?"

Karlie bites her lip nervously and clears her throat. She doesn't doubt that her mom would be supportive, but everything feels off. "Um... yeah! That Taylor. I've decided to ask he--im. I've decided to ask him. A guy. Taylor, the guy." That seemed convincing. Way to go Kloss. Can't you just pretend? No, it wasn't the right time. It will never be the right time.

"Oh, that's nice dear! You two would look lovely together!" Tracy smiles, although Karlie notices a tinge of disappointment in her mother's voice.

Karlie looks down at the floor, "So can we go to the mall?"

Tracy smiles again, genuinely, and tightly hugs her daughter. "Of course, just let me get my purse." She walks away to find her bag and turns around to look at her daughter, straight in the eyes. "You know you can tell me anything, right Karlie?"

Taken by surprise, a tear springs to Karlie's eye. "Yeah, of course mom."


Taylor taps her guitar pick on the kitchen table, wondering what Karlie is up to on this Saturday afternoon. Probably some sort of exercise, maybe out for a run. She smiles, thinking of Karlie and her exercising together. That could be fun.

Scott, Taylor's father, clears his throat and takes a seat at the table with his only daughter. Andrea joins him shortly after, carrying a plate of sandwiches and a vegetable tray.

"We need to talk about your record deal," Scott says, laying the letter out on the table.

Taylor avoids her father's eyes. This had been all she wanted, for most of her life. Now she was unsure. She's always felt claustrophobic in this town: too many people, not enough adventure. School was always a drag, until she met Karlie. Until Karlie kissed her on the cheek.

Andrea chimes in. "I think it's a good opportunity, and if you're going to Nashville for college anyway, I don't see a problem here."

"There's not a problem," Taylor says. Not a problem, but a person.

"Then what is holding you back?" Andrea reaches for Taylor's hand.

"No one. Nothing." An adorably tall giraffe named Karlie Kloss.

Scott sets his glasses down on the table. "Then I think it would be best for you to take this record deal. You would still have a month here before moving down to Nashville, so you could easily finish up your senior year and graduate early. It's a wonderful opportunity for you, Taylor."

"Is this about missing the Winter Formal? Or about leaving us?" Andrea questions.

Taylor shakes her head. Maybe the letter was a sign. Maybe she was being punished for having these feelings of attraction towards a girl, towards someone of the same gender. She didn't believe in that type of thing, but it seemed logical in this moment. Someone out there was providing her with an escape from everything, from this town, from her feelings. Why couldn't she just take it?

"Of course I'll miss you guys and I'm upset that I'd have to leave you a few months earlier than originally planned, but that's not it either." Taylor sighs. Technically, this is all Karlie's fault, for being born with beautiful green eyes and stunningly long legs. Karlie is a goddess and Taylor couldn't help but write an album's worth of songs about her.

"Well, we won't push you into anything you aren't ready for." Scott reassures Taylor.

"I--who am I kidding? I can't pass this up! This has been a dream of mine since before I can remember. I'm going to call Scott and tell him that I accept." Taylor decides, firmly.

The three members of the Swift family rejoice, hugging each other tightly. Andrea cups her daughter's face in her hands.

"This is wonderful, just wonderful," Scott beams with pride.

Taylor nods. Her mind is elsewhere. Thinking about a certain someone and how she's going to break the news to her. Maybe it would be easier to just leave without notice.

After celebrating with her family, she slips back up to her room and grabs her guitar.

Left a small town, never looked back
I was a flight risk with a fear of fallin'
Wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts

Ok i'm sorry for not posting for a very long time but school and work are incredibly overwhelming! Also this chapter is short and I apologize for that as well.. Thank you my fabulous readers for 2k reads! It means a lot to me :) oh and does anyone else watch Supergirl??? Because Maggie and Alex are KILLING me!!!!  #Sanvers

in my best dress [kaylor au]Where stories live. Discover now