Hey mom & dad

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( harrison POV )

We have finally reached Paris with a little difficult but we're there as we walk thru the city earlier people thanked us a women even kissed me but I know it's only to thank me, cause I would never kiss another woman.

But were not done yet, everyday i try to write to Carrie so right now i sit down alone next a church wall it's the middle of the night but we have to stay awake in case something goes wrong or they start attacking us we can actually here bombs and gun fire outside but it's far away nothing we have to take care of at this precise moment not my group adleast, I'm sitting down on the floor Ryan sleeping next to me i can finally open the mail we got , i got adleast 8 letters it has been a month now since the war had started so i knew carrie would have written to me.

As i open the first letter a small picture falls out i smile as tears form in my eyes it's henry with food all over his face boy did he change in only a month, i take the note and start reading it

" hi there gorgeous, there isn't a day that passes that I'm not thinking about you even henry started to wonder where you're at , his first little tooth started growing now and he looks even more like you reason i send you the picture so you could see for yourself. I heard about your friend I'm so sorry, as I'm writing I'm at his house right now with his wife trying to keep her good company.

I hope everything is going well i miss you so much and I absolutely hate waking up alone in bed so i sleep with Henry but he better not get used to it and take over his daddy's place.

You take of your self i love you Harrison be careful. "

As i read tears fell on the paper i took the picture again in my hand and laughed he did grow a teeth one in the front pulling a big smile what a charmer even with food all over his face, that makes me smile, i kiss the picture and put in my pocket with the other one.

My captain comes over to me and asks me to wake up the guys and that we would be moving soon i wake up ryan who helps me wake up the rest of the guys.


As we are walking thru the fields we have to be very careful for mines just under our feet, as i look to my left a can make out the trees in the distance and a house as the sky is lid up by the moon.

" hey ford " i hear clark call me i turn to face him

" yeah "

" watcha gonna do ones ur back home "

" im gonna kiss my wife and hug my son,.... And eat a burger "

" o hell yeah, I should join ya " clark moaned at his burger thought and all i could do was laugh

as we keep walking all the guys are in a conversation but i just look in front of me and stay silent my captain is walking right next to me offering me as sigarette, I didn't smoke before I joined the army but now I can't stop, i know Carrie will kill me for it but it's better then alcohol .


( carrie's POV )

For the first time since he left i had a good night sleep maybe because Henry didn't cry all night and slept next to me, as i look at my little boy i can see him smile in his sleep i love how he has that same hair as his father light brown and his eyes are exactly the same even the colour.

I pas my hand thru his hair making sure not to wake him up and kiss his chubby little cheek in 2 days he will turn 7 months I can't believe it he's growing up way to fast, as i make my way to the bathroom i can hear him cry i go back to him and pick him up " hey baby " i kiss his cheek and drop him to my waist he is a quite heavy boy for his age.

I'll be back home soon Where stories live. Discover now