Chapter One

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I woke up because of a nightmare which isn't surprising at all,I have them everyday and half of my nightmares become a reality. Stepping into my bathroom, I look at the time and of course it's 3am the usual. I stare at myself wondering if this is a nightmare. I open the cabinet like every other day and take out a pill bottle and dump some in my hands , I don't hesitate but just swallow.

After a few minutes of staring at myself through the mirror I smile because the sadly, the only thing that can make me happy is a pill. A freaking pill. Ugh I'm so disturbing and weird I said under my breath while going back to bed. Knowing that I'm not going to fall back asleep, I grabbed my favourite book called "Identity" . It's about a young girl falling for another girl that is hated by everyone just because she's lesbian. Which honestly I don't get it. Why do people hate it?

Ok I understand that it's not exactly the best definition of normal but it's their life and still, love is love. After finishing a chapter I think to myself , what if I told everyone about me being lesbian ? Not to brag but I'm one of the "popular kids" not the mean ones but the nice ones that no one has a problem with , I'm the golden child in my family and everyone loves me! But if they all find out the truth then I'm screwed.. No one would notice if I just disappeared one day.
I'm about to leave home for school wearing a casual American Eagle sweater with grey sweat pants yeah yeah, I know not something a "popular girl"would wear but it's cold and I'm not in a mood of dressing nice,and there isn't really anyone to empress.

"Cara Girl how you doin"I hear as I close my front door then turn towards Anderson. I didn't ever tell anyone this but I honestly hate him he's soo annoying so flirty and so stubborn,he's liked me since the freshmen years and from their he's been trying to get his hands on me which is uncomfortable for a girl like me. I don't really tell people stuff like that because I'm positive to others. It's way everyone loves me. It's ironic because I barely have any time to keep myself positive I'm too busy helping everyone else.

"Cara you okay babe?"I slightly move back while he waves his hands in front of my face

"Oh yea I'm alright just worried about that test"I lie even though there is a test.

"right I didn't study I was--" I cut him off so he wouldn't tell me some useless story.

"Anderson listen I -don't- care" I say in an annoyed tone

"Alright baby anything for you" He says smiling. I roll my eyes waiting for myself to be free from this creep. After what felt like an hour, we arrive at school and he parks his car . I quickly get out before he does his "girlfriend" thing but I was too late.

"Slow down baby, there's no rush." He says while trying to kiss my cheek. I roll my eyes. Here we go again.

"Anderson please I don't like you and you have no right to touch me like stop Ill only ever treat you like a bestfriend nothing else"I say wiping my cheek and run off.

"Woah slow down"I hear the stop and look at Melody, everyone thinks we're best friends and we do all those things that besties would do with each other. We're really not, I don't like her. Well at least not anymore. She kind of made it obvious that she has a problem with gays. She obviously doesn't know it affects me because I haven't told her or anyone and I don't plan to. But think about it. A lesbian's so called "best friend" hates gays and lesbians. I mean that's heartbreaking..

"Oh hey nothing it's Anderson"I say turning back to see if he followed me but he didn't.

" Oh my god that boy is just in love with you. You really need to give him a chance I mean Cara your first boyfriend could be him! What am I saying you guys are practically already dating. You just won't give him a chance, like why don't you love him he's perfect"she says and stares back. I turn around to see what she's looking at and its Anderson talking to people.

"Is that soo?"I say with one eyebrow up.

"Yeah likes he's perfect boyfriend material"she says still staring at him . I look at her with disgust written all over my face

"Then why don't you just date him he could be your I don't know 100th boyfriend. What am I saying your both already practically dating! But he just won't ask you out yet." I say mocking her and walk pass her thinking about how much of a whore she is and for some devilish reason it made me smile.

(Skipping the rest of the day)

School is over and I'm happy because now I can go home and well do nothing but hey at least I'm away from dumb bitches like them. I feel get into the parking lot and remembered I didn't bring my fucking car and rode with Anderson. Ugh my head hurts just thinking about that idiot.

"I'll drop you off"I hear a high pitched voice say and I turn around to see Melody. Giving her a fake smile, I thank her.

"Soo you free tonight? I don't even know why I'm asking your probably gonna say no but its worth a shot right?"I fake giggle the turn the opposite direction and roll my eyes

"Sorry girl! Remember I always go to the gym with my dad and brother"I say hoping she won't blurt out anything else.

"Oh right my bad you guys are the athletic family.."She says with an annoyed voice. Honestly why the fuck is that girl mad because I'm active and Im going out with my family? If she's jealous then go do something productive other then fucking all your exes and trust me, thats a lot. Like damn slut much.
I finally reach home and I'm happy because this place is a no bitch zone. I walk into the house knowing I'm home alone so I just get some food, go upstairs and sit in my bed. Remembering the feeling of being touched by Anderson, I just shake it off and go on my phone to Instagram and scroll down my feed.

I slowly scroll back and see a picture of my cousin with her ex with the caption of "no one could ever replace him" I feel anger flowing through me.

"What the actual fuck"I say out load I can't believe she got back with a person who abused her like really who does that oh right, dumbasses! I throw my phone on the other side of the bed and I lay down. Slowly my eyes close only leaving with the thought of "Who am I?..."


Thank you guys for reading my first chap! Ik it's shitty but I promise it will get better soon...Leave your thoughts and have a great day (:

Lesbian ~Cara DelevingneWhere stories live. Discover now