Chapter Four

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Here I was going to some unknown place with a bloody sack on my head and my arms tied around my back, the rope digging into my wrists. I had to stop struggling to get my hands free, there was really no point seeing as the rope was tight as anything. I was pondering on why Hayham hadn't just killed me in the alley. I mean one assassin down, one more to go? I had admit there was a feeling I got around Haytham, I felt like there was somthing between us. Maybe an emotional attachment of some sorts but he was a templar, right? Power through control? Only caring about themselfs? I had always wondered what it was the templars truly wanted at the end of all this? Freedom? Power? Control? More money?

As I was deep in my overthinking brain, I was thrown onto what felt like someones shoulder. I didn't argue as I didn't want any other reasons to be killed on the long list of the ones already. I was very hardly thrown on what seemed to be a wooden table. The sack on my head got yanked off as I came face to face with a table of Templars, gawking at me.

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