Chapter Six

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" You Templars claim to want justice but you crave power and control. Haven't you taken enough from these people without taking the last thing they have?  Their freedom is not something you can demand and steal. I don't know if this is news to you and your Templar order but the world doesn't answer to you. No how much you want it or desire it to."

"We seek order, justice for the peop-"

"Spare me the bullshit excuses for your false sence of direction and the reasoning of your ways. You do nothing but add more dispair and heartache to the world."

"Well maybe if you stopped listening to the old man's folly stories about the history of us, you may be able to shine a light on the situation."

Mary Jane sat there, contemplating actually listening to what he had to say. She had to admit she had always just listened to the Brotherhood's point of view. Never a The Templar Order's, there wasn't really a chance to as a Templar and Assassin together having a civil conversation wasn't something you would expect to see.

Even though Connor had warned her about Hayham, there was something that drawed her into him. She wondered if he was okay, he was the reason she was in this mess.  Not exactly his own fault, more hers. She was deep in thought as a woman came through the door, she could tell she was a maid by her clothing. She carried what looked like a dress in her hands. " Lady Williams, Mr Kenway has requested your presence at his party tonight. He wishes that you wear this." She said, gesturing to that said dress. Mary didn't know what to say. Why would he want the Assassin Girl at his party? Surely that would raise eyebrows and turn heads. " Of cause. May I have some assistance from you, please? I'm not one for wearing corsets and dresses very often."  Curiosity got the better of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2014 ⏰

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