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I tapped my foot on floor as I listened to Melanie Martinez's Pity Party on repeat. I crossed my legs as I sat on the freezing metal bench outside of the school's office. My leg bounced up and down as I scanned the empty parking lot once again. The office was locked and it was freezing outside. Even though I was wearing a jacket and black beanie, the cold air swept passed my clothing, chilling me to the bone.

I was pissed. I was beyond pissed. My boyfriend Dallas was suppose to be here to pick me up. I gave him the specific time and date to pick me up after my track practice and he swore he wouldn't be late. Yet, here I sit on this cold ass bench while Dallas is thirty-two minutes late. I texted and called him around ten times and still no reply. I couldn't call my mom because she was on the other side of town for work and I couldn't call my dad because, hell, I haven't seen him for years.

Letting out a sigh and many curse words, I stood up and stretched my legs. I pulled out my phone and walked off the school campus. I paused Melanie Martinez's beautiful voice and opened my contacts. I pressed Jesse's contact and waited for him to answer.

"What up?" Jesse answer and I smiled. I walked down the sidewalk, squinting my eyes against the cold air.

"Hey, Jess." I said into my headphones. "Can you do me a favor?"

"Sure, what's up?" Jesse said and I let out a sigh. I knew where this conversation was going to head.

"Can you pick me up from the Raceway Gas Station?" I said, biting my lip and I kept walking, the gas station coming into view.

The line went quiet and then Jesse was cursing like a sailor. I heard rummaging on his line and then a door slammed close.

"How long have you been waiting for that fucker?" Jesse asked and I knew he was more pissed than I was. I let out a sigh and went around a puddle.

"Almost forty minutes." I told him as I grew closer to the gas station.

Jesse let out a groan and I heard his truck start up. "Fran, I love you and you're like a sister I never had, but you fucking suck at picking guys."

I let out a dry laugh and nodded my head. He was right, so very right. My taste in guys sucked, but Dallas felt different. We've been together for almost two years and he never messed around like all my other ex's. We've been through a lot together and he's seen me at my worst. He told me he loved me, even when I was a mess.

"Yeah, so you've told me." I replied and Jesse let out another groan.

"I'll be there in ten minutes." Jesse said and I gave him my thanks before hanging up my phone.

I made it into the gas station and walked in through the sliding doors. Warm air hit me, making some of the chill the outside brought upon me subside. I made my way slowly down the chip isle and grabbed a bag of spicy Doritos along with a bottle of Sprite. I took out a ten dollar bill from my bag and walked toward the cashier's line.

I was the next one in line when my phone went off. I pressed the button on my head phones to answer.

"Hello?" I spoke up.

"Babe, I'm so sorry," Dallas's voice rang along the line and I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes. "I know I fucked up, just tell me where you are and I'll come pick you up. I'll make up for being late."

"That not needed, Dallas." I told him as I paid for my delicious items. "Jesse should be here to pick me up-"

"Jesse? Who gives a fuck about Jesse? This is about us."  Dallas snapped and I gritted my teeth together. I got my change from the man behind the counter and high tailed it out of the store, chips and soda in hand. How he had the audacity to snapped at me when he was the one in the wrong was beyond me.

"Um, I give a fuck about Jesse. He's my best friend, after all he knows how to get to places on time." I snapped back as I stepped out into the frigid air.

"Well, since you like him so much maybe you should get with him instead of me." Dallas retorted and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What the hell is your problem?" I asked him, practically shouting into my head set. "You're the one who was incredibly late and I was the one who was stupidly waiting for you in the cold, texting and calling your ass until my fingers went numb."

Dallas scoffed into the phone and mumbled something underneath his breath. Anger whipped through me and I opened my mouth to ask if he had something to add to this whole ordeal.

"Fuck it, I'll talk to you later." Dallas said and hung up the phone before I got a chance to speak.

I let out a groan and I wanted to scream. Moments like these made me really think about Dallas's and I's relationship. I told him I loved him and he said the same. But honestly, what exactly is love suppose to feel like? What do I know about love? What does anyone know about love?

I turned around, ready to call Jesse to ask where he was when I noticed the man leaning against the gas station store. His body posture was stiff and he wore sunglasses on his face. His hands were in his pockets and he barely looked cold. All he wore were dark jeans, black shoes, and a gray hoodie. Chills skated down my body as I noticed his chin was pointed in my direction. He was watching me behind those dark lenses.

"What?!" I snapped, my anger from the phone call with Dallas still reeling in my blood.

The man raised two dark eyebrows and his lips parted. He brought a hand to the back of his neck, rubbing nervously. It didn't seem possible, but I swear the man stiffened even more than he already was.

"I'm sorry, I, uh," His voice was deep and smooth as he stuttered. "I just...couldn't help overhearing you."

My previous anger slowly dissolved and I crossed my arms over my chest. I studied the man, noticing just how nervous he was. Odd.

"It's rude to ease drop." I told him and he let out a dry laugh. It sounded slightly familiar, but I shook that feeling away.

"Yes, I know, it's just that..." He trailed off, adjusting his sunglasses on his face. It wasn't even really sunny. The nasty, gray clouds covered the rays of light overhead. "You deserve someone better than that."

I physically jerked back at his statement and furrowed my eyebrows. My lips parted and my voice was stuck in my throat. The man gave me a tight, almost sheepish smile and I was just about to speak up when a horn blew behind me. I whipped around to see Jesse's truck. I turned back toward the man, only to be met will an empty space.

"Fran!" Jesse shouted my name and I slowly made my way toward his truck.

I couldn't help but think about the man with the sunglasses and how he heard my whole conversation with Dallas.


Michael .B. Jordan as Jesse.

Tumblr girl above (or on the side) as Francesca

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