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When I got into Jesse's truck, I ripped open the Doritos and we began devouring them. Jesse took the long way to my house so I could tell him all about what happened with Dallas. Throughout the conversation, Jesse furrowed his eyebrows, pursed lips, and swore like crazy. He was spitting mad with Dallas and it was actually pretty damn adorable. To other people, Jesse looked like a pitbull, but to me he was a fat pug dressed up like a pitbull.

"He had the nerve to say for you to get with me?" Jesse said, looking at me while stopped at a red light. "No offense, Fran, but you're not my type."

I let of a laugh and nodded my head in agreement. Jesse stuck his hand in my Doritos bag and grabbed a few chips.

"Exactly! You're like a brother to me." I told him and he smiled.

"You're too white to be my sister, though." Jesse said I smacked his arm. He let out a laugh, popping the Doritos in his mouth.

The light turned green and he made a left into my neighborhood. I sent a prayer to every and any god that was listening that my dog, Olly, didn't pee on my bedroom floor.

"Oh, and another thing happened at the gas station." I told Jesse and he raised his eyebrows, nodding his head for me to continue. "There was this guy in sunglasses. I guess he heard me yelling at Dallas and he told me I deserved better."

Parking in my drive way, Jesse looked over at me and started laughing. I rolled eyes and shook my head.

"It was weird." I told him and he kept laughing. His dark brown eyes danced with humor and his happiness was contagious. "What the hell are you laughing at?"

"Aw, looks like someone has a secret admirer." Jesse teased and I scoffed. "He was right though, you do deserve better than Dallas. I fucking hate that city."

"What wrong with the city, Dallas?" I laughed at him. He took the rest of my sprite and downed the rest.

"Oh you know why I hate Dallas, Texas." Jesse snapped. "My girlfriend cheated on me when we were in that city and then I got jumped. All in one night. What are the fucking odds, right?"

I laughed at Jesse and patted his shoulder. He angrily slapped my hands away and I laughed even harder at him. Yeah, Dallas, Texas, sucked for Jesse. Sucked pretty bad for him.

"Thanks for bring me home, Jess." I said and unbuckled my seat belt. Jesse gave me the empty sprite bottle and bag of Doritos and I threw them back at him. "You finished them off, their your trash now."

"Oh, come on." Jesse whinned and I raised an eyebrow. "Your trash can is so much closer. Please?"

"Ugh, fine. You're lucky I like you." I told him as I got out of his truck. I jumped out so I wouldn't fall on my face.

"You more than like me, you love me!!!!" Jesse shouted and I laughed, slamming the door in his face. I gave him a little wave and salute before walking toward my house. I unlocked the front door and I could hear Jesse speeding off. I pushed the door open and slammed it close behind me. As soon as the door slammed shut, barking erupted in the house.

Olly, my twelve week old Dalmatian, came barreling toward me. His paws slipped along the floor but he kept coming. His tongue drooped out of his mouth and his ears flapped in his eyes. Putting my bags on the floor and I dropped to my knees and he ran into my arms.

"Hi, baby!" I cooed to him in a sweet, high pitched voice. "I missed you, too!"

I scratched at his belly and he licked my arm over and over again. Olly's tail was wagging so fast, it physically hurt when it hit against my leg.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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