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werewolf x neko fic btw ☆

《 A N G E L O 》

♉ Chapter One : The beginning ♉

Man did we have some loud and obnoxious neighbors. Almost as if they acted like wild animals. In this case. That's what they were. Nothing but a pack of wolves. They wouldn't know what peace and tranquility were even if it hit them in the face. Which it really should.

It was hard to do almost anything with those damn idiots around. It seemed that all they knew how to do was scream and growl at each other whenever someone touched their mates or their chicken wings. Which I could see why they'd do something like that.

Though it was practically forbidden to see what they did and how they did it, I really wanted to see how the operated. How they dealt with the same things us Neko's did. Was it any similar? Though I could never trust any other species, I so desperately wanted to know about them.

We were a pretty peaceful species. Not that much conflict with other species and packs. We liked to keep to ourselves. Well we have been trying to do so. Those wolves are just violent and loud all the damn time. It's hard not to want to bash their skulls in with your foot.

They were just nasty dog like creatures that always got dirty. Nothing really and all that special about them to be honest. And oh my God did they smell. You'd think that a species that actually enjoyed the water would be a lot more clean than us Neko's who hate it.

Though I've never actually seen a werewolf in person, I've hear enough about them from other members of the pack to know that they're very strange and unusual creatures.

That they were very violent at times, especially when they didn't get what they wanted or don't have their way with something. Oh well.

The rules of our pack were pretty simple. We weren't allowed to trust anyone other than each other in the pack or anyone who was not of the same species as we are. There were much more but those were the most important two.

I always wondered why we were never close with any other pack besides our own, it was if we were unable to trust. Maybe we were unable to be trusted? Oh well. It'd be something different.

It was around 11PM and I was doing my usual stroll through the forest. I always did love the way it looked and sounded at night. It was absolutely breathtaking. The way all the starts seemed as if they popped out of the sky.

You can could really and actually hear the sounds of nature and the outdoors if you listen close enough. Like the crickets chirping, which I really did enjoy. And just hearing the little critters scatter about the land.

I walk around the beautiful forest and listen to my surroundings. Everything is absolutely perfect and at ease. Until I hear a couple of branches being stepped on.

My first and probably only instinct was to immediately flee from the area. But it could have been like a little raccoon or a squirrel running against grass.

I keep on walking until I stop at my secret spot. I climb up a couple of the branches and head for the very top branch. I rest my head on the cool bark and let out a soft sigh. It was so pretty.

Running my hands through my hair I watch the tiny little fishies swim around in the water, the moon reflecting on the water making the water look a lot more pretty than it would during the daytime.

I hear the branches crackle again. This time I'm sure that it's not a little animal. That someone or possibly something is out here with me. I snap my head in the opposite direction. I look up, to my left, and my right. I see nothing.

That means they're probably right underneath me. I look down and see a shadow in the distance. It looked like they were trying to eat. It's late out for the little rodents, so maybe he's eating berries? Or possibly actual food.

Maybe he wasn't doing anything like that? Maybe he was just out for a walk too? I can't believe I had automatically assumed the figure to be a male. Funny if it wasn't.

All I am able to identify, is that the figure is most definitely not a human being. I'll just keep referring to them as a male anyway. The clouds shift over to the other side of things sky, causing the moon's natural light to shine down on him.

I'm probably up too high for him to see me, but man can I see him. He almost looks as if he's too dreamy to be real. The moon's light making some of his physical features look really cloudy.

He looks around. His left. Then his right. Throws a hoodie at the top of his head and runs at a speed I've never imagined to be real. It was absolutely incredible. Like a cheetah. But it wasn't.

If he was out here this late, he most likely had to have been in a pack. But who's?

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