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What the fvck!

I was standing in the dark, starting at the door wide open.
I'm shocked and progressing everything that just happened.

I heard the front door close meaning they have left.

I lick my lips, and I can taste the flavor of strawberry and mint. Leaving me wanting more.

I looked around, taking a deep breathe, looking for my car keys.

I need to get out. It was to much. I hated this sensation.

I went down stairs, getting so close to the door.

"Where you think your going at this time, Max?" I turned and saw my mother staring, well more like glaring at me with a hand on her hips.

I looked at the digital clock that was top of the chimney.

10:21 pm

"Just going for a drive, I'll be back. I promise." I insured her. Opening the door and walking out, not waiting for an answer.

I end up going to highway, just driving having my windows down having the wind blow on my face.

I turned the radio and a song I've never heard of was playing.

All I could think of is her.
Why? Is she doing this? Why is she just kissing me out of nowhere?

Ugh! I need to get laid and fucking soon. Okay that's a dick move after I had a passionate kiss with Anastasia.

I made my down road into the woods. Turning off the car making my way towards the trees.

I love natural, it's relaxing. I made it to the cliff and No I'm not going to kill myself. I love myself.

I sat down at the edge and laying in the grass looking at the stars and trees surrounding me.

Since when do I feeling for her? Nah probably lust. Yeah that's it lust. I mean she's pretty I see her around at school and sometimes at my house or over her to have dinner.

Am I that ugly she doesn't like to talk to me? Nah that's not it. I work out and I don't look that ugly, I'm pretty handsome. Well from ladies that flirt with me do say.

Maybe I should ask her what was that all about. Psst! yeah right she'd probably think I'm desperate. She's going to come back to me. Yeah she will.

I shake my head. I closed my eyes and just thought her lips against mine.

And out of nowhere, the song from the radio got stuck in my mind.

Ooh, it's raining, it's pouring
I picture you in the morning
The hot water and the steam
Oh the way you feel between
Both my hands on your hourglass
The minutes and the hours pass
I wanna watch you bloom
Gimme that sweet perfume

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