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Lotti POV

FINALLY! I have arrived in Charming California. I seriously can't believe I drove from Tacoma all the way here. I should've just taken the plane, or a charter bus! Anyway, I pulled up into the driveway of my new house and shut the car off. I then got out of the car and looked up at my new house, hmm looks better than the one in Tacoma.

I walked up to the door of the house and heard the rumble of two Harley's. I turned around and saw Dyna street bobs, one is a 2006 of course. I saw both men stop and look at me, I just scoffed and turned back around walking to my front door. I unlocked the door and walked inside then looked around a bit, I walked back out to my car and grabbed my box out from the backseat.

I shut the door and started walking back to the front door. I then heard footsteps walking up behind me, I turned around and saw the two guys that were on the Harleys. One had crazy curly hair and a goatee, the other had black almost white hair. But he was pretty in sexy for an old man. "Umm, hi. Is something wrong?" I asked the two men, they just stood there looking at me. Till the crazy haired one spoke up, "uh yeah, I was wondering. Are you umm, Chinese?"

I rolled my eyes, I really hated the fact that people mistook me for a Chinese women. I just shook my head and replied, "no. I'm Filipino, Scottish, and Portuguese. Wait, umm why?" I asked him getting pretty impatient with him. He was about to say something else, but another car pulled into my driveway. I instantly knew who it was, "Xena!?" I walked halfway to the car, and I saw her get out and run over to me then jump on me hugging me, "Ah!!! You're finally here!!! Yay!!!" She screamed into my ear, shes damn loud. I hugged her back and she jumped off of me, the saw the two guys.

"Oh, and I see you already met Chibs and Tig." I looked at her confused and replied, "who?" I watched her walk over to them and hug them both. "Doll, you know her?" I heard im guessing Tig, say to Xena, and she nodded then replied, "yeah, this Lotti. Or Cireib. You should already know who Chibs is Lotti." I nodded and pointed pointed at the one with the scars on his cheeks, he just stood there then replied, "and just how tha' hell do you know this?" He said looking at me.

"Because chibs in Gaelic means scars or cuts. Plus Xena would show me pictures of you guys." He just nodded and kept looking me up and down. I nodded then said, "well nice meeting you. But I need to unpack, go lay down, and sleep. So bye, get off my lawn." I walked into the house holding the rectangular wooden box in my hands.

Chibs POV

I watched tha' girl Lotti walk away, damn she has a nice ass. What am I talkin' about, she's a total curvy package. And she has attitude. Woah, that's my type of women. Strong, beautiful, and takes no shit. I look over to Xena and say, "is she single? Cause man I'll do anything to get to her." Xena looked up at me and said, "see I knew you would like her! Haha I'm good. But she plays very, VERY hard to get. So you'll have to try real hard, For her."

"Hey doll, why did you call her Cireib? What is that? Is that like her nickname? Or is there a meaning to it?" I looked at Tig then to Xena, she was looking at me like I should know. "Cireib in Gaelic means Riot. But umm, why would you call her that lass?"

She laughed a little and replied, "cause that girl. Whew that girl can really be one if she gets to a certain point of mad. Well I'll see guys some other time, and no tig not in your bed." And with that Xena walked away into Lotti's house. I looked over at tig and started walking to our bikes, "oh brotha'..." I sighed heavily. Tig looked over at me, "what's up man?" He replied putting a hand on my shoulder.

I looked at him laughing a bit, "I think I like a younger women. And I don't even know if she likes old men." God I'm in some shit. Tig just laughed getting on his bike, as I got on my own he said, "ah brotha, when the time comes you better pounce on that, before I do!" We started up our bikes and took off to TM.

Lotti POV

I put the small box that was in my hand in the drawer beside my bed. I then heard Xena walk in and plop onto my bed. "Sooo... What did you think of Chibs?" I heard ask in a cheery 'happy-go-lucky' tone, I just looked over at her and replied, "what am I supposed to think of him?" I gave her a questioning look and started unpacking the boxes.

She got up from the bed and started helping me, "well, is he cute? Sexy? Hot? Do you wanna date him?" I stood up straight and looked at her like 'what the fuck?' I then replied, "Xena I just met him. Plus you told me about his "adventurous" life, that type of shit don't go with me anymore. I just came to charming for you, and to live a new life. Okay?" She just rolled her eyes and nodded. I went back to unpacking, well tomorrow is the start of my new life in charming.


TA-DA!!! First chapter of, My new life in Charming!

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