Baby talk part one.

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It was a hot summer day and Ciel had been out on a mission for the queen. He groaned as the carriage pulled up to his manor and Sebastian opened the door offering Ciel his hand. "It's so hooot." Ciel took Sebastian's hand and got out of the carriage. He walked up to the manor door's as Sebastian opened them and waited for Ciel to walk inside. As soon as Ciel got inside he took off his dress jacket he was wearing and handed it to Sebastian. "Im hot and hungry, i want something sweet to eat."

Sebastian took Ciel's jacket and bowed "Of course just give me a moment and i will get you something to eat." He hung up Ciel's jacket quickly.

Ciel spied a small box on the table near the entrance of the manor. He walked over to it and opened the box which held two small chocolate balls in it. "What are these?" He picked one up and looked at it as his mouth watered.

Sebastian looked over at Ciel and stopped walking in his tracks. He didn't like it when Ciel investigated thing's on his own and this was just the type of situation that would get Ciel into trouble. "Don't touch it, im not sure where it came from!"

"It's just chocolate how bad can it be?" Ciel chuckled and put the chocolate ball into his mouth. He smiled and the sweetness and made a soft moan of satisfaction. "It's really good." Sebastian growled softly and walked over to Ciel "I told you not to touch it..." He eyed Ciel closely trying to notice any hint of a change in him.

"No need to get so upset." Ciel laughed and picked up the other chocolate ball "I feel fine."

Sebastian sighed and closed his eye's "You don't know who sent those they could have been poisoned you do know you have alot of enemies right why are you so careless?" Sebastian waited a moment for the lecture he was sure he would hear from Ciel about how he's not careless in the least but it didn't matter because he had Sebastian there to fix everything even if he was. When the lecture didn't come Sebastian opened his eye's and looked down at a pile of clothes on the floor. Sebastian picked up the's the shirt Ciel had been wearing only moment's before but where was Ciel?....Ciel was gone...Sebastian's eye's got wide as he looked around the room for him. "Master!?" He called out where did Ciel go? Was he naked now? Ciel couldn't have gone far he was only a human after all. Soon Sebastian heard a small giggle coming from the corner of the room he ran over to the sound and stopped dead in his track's. Sitting there in front of him, playing with a small glass vase was a baby.

The baby was naked as he played with the vase he smacked the vase on the floor shattering it instantly. The baby cried out and started bawling as Sebastian quickly picked it up and examined it carefully to make sure it hadn't cut itself. Sebastian looked at the baby's hair, it's eye's, he noticed the scar on the baby's back. He held the small baby in front of himself. "M'lord?"

The baby smiled at him and squealed as if to tell Sebastian that he was right.

Sebastian sighed and held the baby close to himself "I told you not to eat those." He walked over to the box that had the chocolates in it and examined the box. He saw the mark of the spider demon on the bottom of the box and growled "I should have known it would be that filthy spider." He threw the box down and stared at the baby who was now sleeping peacefully in his arm's. "I suppose i need to find a way to change you back."

Sebastian walked up to Ciel's room and laid Ciel down on the bed, placing pillow's around him so he wouldn't roll off the bed. Sebastian quickly took some of Ciel's old clothes and made a outfit small enough for Ciel to wear. He quickly put the clothes on Ciel and stood up, wiping his own forehead. "Well that does look rather good if i do say so myself." Sebastian smiled, watching Ciel as he slept peacefully.

"Now what must i do to change you back?" Sebastian left the room and went to his own study. This was a place that only the butler was allowed to enter not even Ciel had been in Sebastian's private study not like Ciel had much of a interest to go into Sebastian's study anyways.

Sebastian went over to his small bookcase and looked through his book's until he found the one he was looking for. It was a book on spell's that he never thought he would ever need to use. He wasn't one for using spell's after all it wasn't something demon's did often they preferred a more hand's on approach.

Sebastian sat down and opened the book. He needed to find a way to change Ciel back. The spell was a simple one it was a spell to change one back into the infant form. He looked at the cure to change Ciel back and shook his head this was all so complicated to him he didn't understand it. This is why he hated using spell's for anything. There was only one person Sebastian could think of that would be able to help him. He closed the book and stood up. "Look's like were going on a trip."

Sebastian walked back to Ciel's room and jumped as he heard a loud crying coming from Ciel's bed. He ran over to Ciel and picked him up "What is wrong?"

Ciel cried louder as Sebastian laid him against his chest and patted his back. "I don't know what you want." Sebastian whined as he walked back and forth trying to figure out what to do. He thought back on his long life and tried to remember a time when he had to take care of a baby. He couldn't think of a time but...he had to know something about babies.

Just then he heard Ciel's stomach rumbling and he smiled "Ah, i know what you need." He walked down to the kitchen and got out the milk. He put the milk in a bottle and warmed it up on the stove. Doing all of this with one hand proved to be a challenge for him. He kept spilling milk as he filled the bottle. Ciel continued to wail loudly and squirmed around in Sebastian's arm's. He grabbed a handful of Sebastian's hair and pulled on it. "Ow!" Sebastian growled. As soon as the milk was done warming up he gave the bottle to Ciel.

Ciel quickly took the bottle and started eating. He closed his eye's, sucking on the bottle and making happy baby noises of satisfaction.

Sebastian sighed and sat down as Ciel continued to eat. "This is going to be alot of work." Sebastian knew he needed to get Ciel back to his normal self and fast or Sebastian might end up pulling out all of his hair. He wasn't sure how much more of this baby talk he could handle.

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