Baby talk part two

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After feeding Ciel Sebastian spent all night up with a crying Ciel. Sebastian grumbled, walking back and forth as he held Ciel who was crying in his arm's and flailing around. "What is it you want?" Sebastian sighed, patting Ciel's back softly.

Sebastian decided to try and take Ciel for a walk thinking maybe the night air would calm him. He put a small jacket on Ciel and walked outside, holding him tight in his arm's. The night air was cool as it hit them Ciel calmed down instantly and closed his eye's. It was quiet outside as Sebastian walked slowly around the manor.

Sebastian looked down at the small baby in his arm's and he frowned. He was starting to miss Ciel...the Ciel he knew and had come to love. Sebastian kissed Ciel on his forehead. He needed to fix Ciel and fast.

After walking around the manor a few times Sebastian finally decided to go back into the manor. As soon as he walked up the stairs and made his way to Ciel's room Ciel woke up and started screaming and pulled on Sebastian's hair. "Ow!" Sebastian growled and held Ciel up so he could look at him. "What is it now?"

Ciel wiggled around in Sebastian's arm's, crying and screaming loud.

Sebastian sniffed and smelled something horrid "Oh hell...." Sebastian sighed and took Ciel into the bathroom ran a bath. He let the water fill the tub only halfway. He took off Ciel's clothes as Ciel continued to cry and flail around. Sebastian made a face of disgust and turned his face away. "Uugh who knew something so small could make something that smelled so bad..." Sebastian quickly cleaned up Ciel's bottom. Sebastian then placed Ciel in the tub gently and started cleaning him.

Ciel calmed down, making noises of content as Sebastian washed him. The warm water making Ciel sleepy. He closed his eye's and started falling asleep.

Sebastian smiled as he finished washing Ciel. He took Ciel out of the water and quickly put a warm towel around him. "At least something makes you happy." Sebastian chuckled as he remembered the last time he had given Ciel a bath and how it had turned into there first kiss. He sighed and shook his head. "Maybe next time."

Sebastian quickly changed Ciel and laid him on the bed, letting him sleep. As Ciel slept Sebastian packed there luggage for there trip. He wasn't going to wait another day to make sure this got done. Sebastian needed his love back and he needed him now.

After Sebastian got there luggage into the carriage and everything ready for there trip Sebastian picked up Ciel and headed out the door. They were going to go see the Green witch, she was the only one that would be able to help them.

There trip was long and hard Sebastian was stuck being a babysitter to the baby Earl. He had to change, feed and entertain Ciel which took alot of time out of there trip. The trip should have only taken two day's but thanks to the constant stop's it took them three day's. They went by train the first two day's then went by carriage for the remainder of the trip. Ciel cried throughout most of the trip, It seemed the only time he wasn't crying is when he was sleeping or eating. Sebastian was begging to think Ciel didn't like him after all. Finally they managed to make it to there destination.

Sebastian got out of the carriage holding Ciel in his arm's who was for once being quiet. They were standing in front of a tall building in a quiet neighborhood. Sebastian examined the outside of the building as he walked up to the door. It was a ordinary looking building but he knew that inside was nothing but ordinary. He knocked on the door and almost as soon as his hand hit the door the door swung open and there stood Wolfram Gelzer. He looked at Sebastian with a smirk on his face and chuckled. "So you're back for our help again are you?"

From behind him a small figure appears "Who is it?" Sieglinde Sullivan comes up beside Wolfram and smiles wide seeing that it is Sebastian "Sebastian! Come inside." Her mechanical leg's moved over to the side so Sebastian can come in. "What are you doing here...and you're by yourself? Is this some kind of booty call i have read about?"

Sebastian chuckles and shakes his head "No it's not actually..." He show's her Ciel and her eye's light up instantly.

Sieglinde squeal's and takes the baby from Sebastian quickly "He's so cute! I love babies."

She holds Ciel close and much to Sebastian's amazement Ciel giggles and reaches up to her face, a big smile on Ciel's face as he squeal's and plays with her. Sieglinde examines the baby closely and gives Sebastian a serious look. ".....Is this Ciel?"

Sebastian nod's and sighs "Yes...something happened and...well can you help him?"

Sieglinde nod's and kisses Ciel's forehead "Of course, they don't call me a witch for nothing."

She look's at Ciel and tickles his tummy making Ciel squeal and laugh. "Hehe im not sure i want to though he's really cute like this."

Sebastian crosses his arm's and tries to ignore the fact that Ciel seemed to be enjoying her company more than his. "Ill give you anything just turn him back." He pleaded.

"Anything?" She smirk's.

Sebastian sighs and nod's "Yes anything."

Sieglinde chuckles and look's at Ciel "Hmm a kiss."

Sebastian blink's, looking at her "A kiss? From who?"

Sieglinde giggles "From Ciel of course..." She gasps "Did you want to kiss me!?"

Sebastian growls softly and turn's his head "No of course not. Just change him back."

Sieglinde smiles and spin's Ciel around in the air "Alright, alright i will."

Ciel giggled loudly, flailing his arm's around as Sieglinde spin's him around. Sebastian watching them from the corner of his eye's and growling under his breath. 'This had better work.' he thinks to himself.

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