Baby talk part three

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Seiglinde tickles Ciel as she walks into her lab. Ciel giggling in her arm's. She turn's to Sebastian as sigh's "Im going to need to give him back to you while i mix something up for him."

Sebastian nod's and hold's out his arm's eager to get Ciel back from her.

Seiglinde reluctantly gives Ciel back to Sebastian and turn's her back to him as she grab's bottles of every size and color from the shelf next to her work desk. She open's a massive book and flip's through the pages. A look of concentration on her face as she read's through the pages. "What did you say he was doing before this happened to him?"

Sebastian cradled Ciel in his arm's, looking down at Ciel's soft baby face as Ciel closed his eye's and slowly fell asleep in his arm's. Sebastian smiled softly and kissed Ciel's forehead before he answered Seiglinde. "He ate some chocolate....and im guessing the chocolate had something in it that did this to him."

"Hmm then i think the best thing to do is to make something that he can take the same way and reverse it." She grab's a bowl and a measuring cup. She mixes in different colored liquids, carefully measuring each one out. "I need to make a few adjustment's to this recipe because of how small he is but don't worry i know it will work."

Sebastian sighed with relief and sat down in a chair away from Seiglinde as she continued to work on the cure. He looked at Ciel who was sleeping peacefully in his arm's and smiled softly. "He's so cute like this i must admit." He whispered.

"What are you talking about?" Seiglinde mumbles "He's always cute..don't you think?" A smirk on her face as she watches Sebastian from the corner of her eye.

Sebastian blushes slightly and look's over at her. Confusion on his face did she know about his feeling's for his master? Was she testing him? He wasn't sure of her reasons she was after all much smarter than most girls of her age. Perhaps she did already know..maybe she knew even before he did. "Yes of course." Was all Sebastian said as he looked back down at Ciel.

Before to long Seiglinde walked over to Sebastian holding a bottle filled with a green liquid. She handed it to Sebastian and put her hand's on her hip's "There all done. Just give him that and he will be back to normal in no time."

Sebastian made a face as he studied the green liquid "What is this? Im not sure if he will take it."

Seiglinde sighed "Don't worry he's a baby he will eat anything and besides it's the only way to make him back the way he was."

Sebastian nodded "How long does it take to work." He asked as he tried giving the bottle to Ciel

"It should work about as fast as that chocolate worked on him which isn't to long." Seiglinde answered as she watched Sebastian.

Ciel whined as he woke up from his nap. He opened his eye's and quickly latched onto the bottle in front of him. He started to eat happily not seeming to notice or care about any strange taste. Sebastian breathed a sigh of relief and watched Ciel eat. "If this doesn't work then im going to be stuck raising a baby by myself." Sebastian whined.

Seiglinde chuckles softly and crosses her arm's "I never thought i would see you so worked up over anything as much as this has you so worked up." She watched him and smirked "I hate to say it but it's a nice look on you."

Sebastian looked at her and growled softly "And it seems you enjoy making me that way. Why is that?"

Seiglinde shrug's "Im not sure honestly maybe the fact that you're a man who always seems to have everything in control and together that it's nice to see a different side to you every now and then."

Sebastian chuckled slightly and looked back at Ciel "I suppose you're not the only one who feel's that way."

Ciel started to fuss in Sebastian's arm's and wiggle around. He cries once Sebastian pull's the bottle away from him, trying to sooth him by rocking him in his arm's.
"What is wrong with him?" Sebastian look's at Seiglinde.

"It must be working." Seiglinde look's at Ciel "Im sure it's a unpleasant feeling, he will be back to his normal self soon."

Ciel cries louder, wiggling around in Sebastian's arm's. Sebastian put's Ciel on his shoulder and pat's his back gently trying to sooth him. He sighs "You better be right about this."

Seiglinde turn's around and grabs a blanket that was hanging over another chair. She already knew what was going to happen even before she turned around to see Ciel back to his normal self and flailing around in Sebastian's arm's. His clothes all torn off and his naked butt showing.

"Sebastian! What are you doing!?" Ciel's face was a bright red as he tried covering up his naked body. He looked around and once he saw Seiglinde his face turned a shade redder. "What is she doing here!?" He looked back at Sebastian confused "A-and why am i naked!!?"

Sebastian laughs and hug's Ciel tight happy to see Ciel back to his normal self. "M'lord you're finally back to normal!"

Ciel blink's and hug's back still confused about what was going on. "Sebastian what's wrong?"

"It's a long story.." Sebastian look's into Ciel's eye's "But now everything is back to normal." Sebastian couldn't help but pull Ciel into a deep kiss, caressing Ciel's cheek softly. "Im so happy to have you back to normal." He whispered.

"Hey don't forget about me!" Seiglinde chimed in and threw the blanket over Ciel "I said i would get him back to normal and now it's time for my reward." She huffed.

Sebastian sighs and nod's "Yes i haven't forgotten." He look's at Ciel and frown's "She get a kiss...from you."

Ciel look's at Sebastian with wide eye's "What!? A kiss..but for doing what!?" Ciel look's at Seiglinde and pouts "Im really confused..."

Seiglinde sigh's "It's easy enough to explain you ate something that turned you into a baby...thus Sebastian brought you to me and i helped make you normal again. Do you understand that?"

Ciel looked at her with a blank expression " not really."

She shrug's and moves closer to him "It doesn't matter we can explain it later but right now i get a kiss as payment." She lean's over him and puckers her lip's.

Ciel look's at her lip's and then at Sebastian waiting for him to say something.

Sebastian simply pouted and looked away as he waited for it to be over with.

Seiglinde quickly grabbed Ciel's face and pulled him into a kiss. She kissed him on his lip's deeply, blushing softly. She eventually pulled away and sighed happily. "That was worth it."

Sebastian growl's and put's his arm's around Ciel protectively "There you got what you want out of this..."

Ciel's eye's remand big as Sebastian hold's him tight. Ciel's face a bright red. "W-what's going on?" He buries his face in Sebastian's chest and whimpers.

"Oh come on it wasn't that bad." Seiglinde huff's as she crosses her arm's "Im sure you enjoyed it at least a little." She walks away and waves her hand at them "You two can leave now i got my payment and everything is back to normal."

Sebastian nod's and stands up, holding Ciel bridal style the blanket still covering him. "Thank you again." He bows to her before going to the door.  He look's down at Ciel and smirk's "I will explain everything to you as i give your body a good once over."

Ciel blushes brighter and nod's "I-im not sure what happened but...i think im going to like this outcome."

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