The Ghost in the Photo

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Frank Iero hated moving. He hated every part of it. He hated how he couldn't find anything because everything he needed was in boxes. He hated rolling up fragile items in newspaper. How was that suppose to keep it from breaking anyway? He hated the never ending pile of boxes he was always tripping on and labeling things. But he especially hated realizing just how much junk he had accumulated. In fact, if his neighbors weren't always calling the police on him for "disturbing the peace" he would have been quite content to stay in his little apartment. But Frank knew he had to bite the bullet and move because if his neighbors called the police on him one more time he would be tempted to go over there and choke them. He didn't play his music that loud did he? OKay, so maybe his band mates were a little rowdy when they came over for beers after band practice and didn't leave until 4 am, so what?

"Ow damn it," he said out loud to himself as he tripped over one of the boxes. He proceeded to kick it which only hurt his already stubbed toe more. He walked over to the box to look inside of it. It didn't have a label and he couldn't remember where it came from. He smiled we he found his old championship trophy from when his dad had made him join Little League when he was 8. He never told anyone that at one time he had actually been good at a sport. They wouldn't have believed him anyway. he rest of the box was full of old photographs. There was one of him blowing out the candles of his 10th birthday cake. There was one of him when he was 13 and his older brother had dumped an ice cream cone on top of his head. Instead of grounding him, Frank's mother had laughed as the ice cream dripped down his face and taken a picture.

Then he found a picture of his junior prom. He looked ridiculous in a tux and purple tie and cummerbund set, which matched his date's dress. He looked stiff and nervous and so did Addison his then girlfriend. He notices something the background he's never seen before, a bright white smile and a little pink tongue sticking out for the camera. He laughed to himself. It was just like 10-year old Maddy to leave her mark on his junior prom picture. He remembered how disappointed she was that she couldn't get dressed up and go with them. He had almost been tempted to ask Addy if she could come along but she would have killed him just for asking. Addy could never understand why her boyfriend liked having her little sister around. She was six years younger than them and she was annoying for goodness sakes! But Frank didn't think so. Madison was a funny little girl , he could never be sad or mad with her around. And while Addy was always busy as Student Body President, Editor-in-Chief of the school newspaper, or head of the Prom Committee, little Maddy always had plenty of time for him


"That's it Maddy, that's good. Just try and keep yourself balanced," he yelled as he watched the little girl fly down the sidewalk on his skateboard her long shiny black hair flowing behind her in the breeze. Suddenly she was down on the ground, she had completely wiped out. Frank immediately took off running to her. When he got there she was on the ground cradling a busted knee.

"I hurt my knee, Frankie," she said looking up at him with watery bright blue eyes.

He felt a pang at seeing her sad. "Come on let's go take care of that." He lifted her off the ground and she threw her arms around his neck burying her head in his chest. He somehow managed to pick up the skateboard too and carried them both back to the Phillips house. He placed Maddy gently on the sofa and went to the linen closet.

"Frank are you ready we're going to be late for the movies," asked Addy emerging from an hour long stint in the bathroom.

"Yeah in just a second Maddy hurt herself."

Addison followed Frank back into the living room. "Oh please Frank she only has a scrape she'll be fine," she said rolling her eyes.

"It'll only take a second Addy besides you know you're just going to go back in the bathroom for another five minutes rechecking your hair and makeup." Addison huffed and pivoted on her feet on her way back down the hallway to do exactly that.

Maddy giggled and Frank winked at her. "Okay kiddo this is going to sting a bit," he warned before cleaning the scrape with an alcohol soaked cotton ball. Maddy hissed in pain and tried to bend her knee to her chest but Frank stopped her holding the leg firmly in place and blowing cool air over it gently. It calmed the burning and when it no longer hurt he placed an Ahhh Real Monsters band aid on it for her. "There all better," he said kissing the band aid tenderly.

"Thanks Frankie," said Maddy. She looked at him like he was her hero. And he was.

"No problem kid," he smiled, "Now what is this I hear about some boy at school trying to kiss you? Do you have a boyfriend you're not telling me about," he teased.

Maddy blushed. "I can't believe Addy told! It was supposed to be a secret!" Frank poked out his bottom lip pretending to be hurt that she was keeping secrets from him. She moved closer to him on the couch and gave him a hug. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but it's no big deal. Everyone knows Bobby Shiner likes me," she said shrugging her shoulders matter-of-factly.

"And what about you, don't you like him?" Frank ran his fingers through her soft, silky hair.


"And why not?"

She untucked her chin from her knees and looked up at him thoughtfully. "Because Bobby Shiner is nothing like you."

(End Flashback)

Frank quickly stuffed the picture back in its box and pushed the box far away from him. He immediately headed to the kitchen and removed a beer looking for something to replace his memories.  

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