Cigarette Break

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"Fuck Frank we want to get his done can you stop fucking up your notes so we can get out of here," yelled Gerard.

It was about a week later and My Chemical Romance was in the studio working on their next album. Gee was always on edge when they worked on an album. He was such a perfectionist that every little mistake drove him crazy, especially when someone else made it. Usually the boys were patient with him knowing it would be worth it in the end but today Frank didn't fel like putting up with Gerard's bullshit.

"Fuck you Gerard. I need a cigarette, I'm taking a break," he said storming out. He could hear the chorus of groans as he left but he didn't care. He felt relief the minute he got out into the warm California sun but he felt even more relief a few seconds later when he took that first long drag form his cigarette. He knew he'd been screwing up a lot. Ever since he found that picture he'd been kind of out of it but it pissed him off that Gerard had called him out like that.

"Hey can I bum a smoke," asked Ray appearing beside him. Frank absently handed him the pack of cigarettes and his lighter. Then both men sat down on the steps. "Frank what's up are you okay? You've been acting kind of weird for the past few days. Gee is right it does feel like you're not here with us."

Frank looked up squinting at the sun as he watched Bob come and sit on the other side of him lighting up his own cigarette. "I was going through this box of old pictures and I found one of me and Addison at her house before junior prom and I noticed for the first time that Maddy was on the steps behind us in the background. I haven't been able to get her out of my mind since." He stuck the cigarette back in his mouth and kicked a random rock down the steps. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to find Gee and Mikey sitting on the steps behind him.

"I'm sorry," said Gee finally breaking the silence, "but I thought you were ok with that. It's been 8 years Frank."

"I know how long it's been," Frank spat, "Sure I can get up in front of crowds of people and talk about her but seeing her is completely different. It's like she's here for a brief second and then she's gone all over again." The rest of the boys remained silent. Sure there were a ton of things they could do and say to try to make Frank feel better but none of those things could bring Maddy back.

He could see her. She was right in front of him wrists and ankles tied up with rope in a cold dark room. The floor was wet and rats had masde a nest at the other end of the room. She looked so small and weak. Shw was way too thin, he could see the bones in her arms and her skin was so pale it was practically see through. She looked at him with pleading eyes. Her face was tear-stained and she was so small that her eyes seemed too big for her face. Her blue eyes which had once been bight and full of sparkle were now dull, tired, and full of pain.

"Frankie," she cried. He tired to get to her but his legs wouldn't move. He tried harder. "Frankie help me please," she cried louder, "Hurry he's coming!" As hard as Frank tried he couldn't get to her, all he could do was watch as a man dressed in all black and wearing a good came and picked Maddy up throwing her over his shoulder. "Frankie help don't let him take me!" Frank's own eyes were wet with frustration there was nothing he could do to save her.


Frank shot up from his pillow in a panic. He looked around to see his familiar surroundings. His breathing started to return to normal but he was drenched with sweat. He got up and headed to the kitchen for a glass of water. It wasn't the first time he'd had this nightmare but he hadn't had it for a while until now. Once he'd cooled off he returned to his room. He cut on the television flipping channels for awhile before settling on the Carson Daly show. He watched for awhile lauging out loud to himself at all the corny jokes until finally the drone of the television lulled him back to sleep.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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