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NAME: Emiko Komori



FAMILY: yui komori,seiji komori
(She is Adopted)


LIKES:Anything sweet or spicy, annoying Yui,teasing people, cute and creepy things, reading, music, animals and nature.

Dislikes: Yui, silence, homework, people harming animals.

Looks:eyes any color you wish, pink/silverish hair that goes mid-back, Cute petite body

Personality:Cheerful, happy, will be moody at times.

Hobbies:singing, playing instruments, and baking.

Type of clothing: always wears something cute or dark.

Favorite colors: black and pastel

Favorite food: sweets and anything spicy.

Past info: when emiko was four her mother and father were killed in a accident.Seiji found emiko and took her in as his own.Seiji and the nuns gave emiko more attention then they gave to yui. Yui grew envious and did anything to get emiko in trouble.But what will happen now that the sakamakis have taken a liking to emiko?.

Disclaimer: i do not own anything but the my character.

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