The Letter

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"Who is knocking at that door? Damn it's 9 in the morning and it's my summer break!" I shouted even if I knew I would come in trouble, because of my damn. My uncle and aunt don't tolerate it when I say something like that. But it wasn't the voice of one of them who said "Don't let that hear one of the Patils. Don't you have enough house arrests in this summer just because you said something bad?"

I knew this voice it was my godfather! I had jumped out of my bad and opened the door to hug him. "Aludra you are getting older and older. I can't believe it", uncle Moony said, what made me laugh.

"Moony I didn't get much older since one week ago!" He looked at me very amused. Then I remembered!

"IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY AND I WILL GET MY HOGWARTS LETTER!!! HOW COULD I JUST FORGET THIS?!!!" I jumped up and down from happiness. Since Remus told me about Hogwarts I waited for the day I would get my letter and everybody said I had to wait till the Summer and after that everybody told me I have to be eleven. It' was so annoying but today is the day!

"I don't know how you could forget it", he laughed. "I thought you would be awake since 5 in the morning like all your other birthdays."

"When am I going to get my letter? When? You said I would get it know. It's already the 25th August school starts on the 1st of September!" I talked fast, like I always did when I was excited.

"Close your eyes and count to ten." I did what he said prompt because I thought he would give me the letter. I was counting loud and at the time I was at 5 he tickled me. I was so ticklish like I fell on the ground because of my laughing.

"Thanks for the attack! It's my birthday and I want my letter!" I said very impatient. If he hasn't got the letter he shouldn't make me think he hast it, I thought angry!

I looked grimly at him till he said smiling "Look at the ground probably it's there."

"Oh Moony I'm not falling again on your tricks. You are probably tickling me again or you do something else. I can't believe you were so innocent in Hogwarts how you always say."

He lifted me up and did a turn while saying scandalize "HEYYYY!" He stopped turning but still hold me. "I was a real angel and then I met your Father and Prongs. They made me such a mischief-maker out of me. And I'm older then you please talk with respect." He said the last part like a prig what made me laugh. Then my eye captured the ground. There was really something. The thing I wanted! My Hogwarts letter! I let out a happy scream and opened the Letter. But before I could read it my two little cousins Padma and Parvati came out of their room. "We heard you voice and we wanted to congratulate you to your birthday and say goodbye before you are going to mister Lupin for the rest of the break." Parvati said. I didn't know if it was quite or annoying because if really wanted to read the letter. I decided it was annoying and to be honest I didn't really listened to them. I just said a fast "Thank you" and started again to read my letter out loud. But again the twins interrupted me by singing Happy Birthday and my uncle and aunt came upstairs to join them. After that I Said again "Thank you" and thought I could read it finally. But no my aunt had to say "Aludra we should go and open your presents. You can read the letter later!" Remus looked sorry at me because he knew that I had to listen to her and so we went downstairs so I can open my presents and eat cake. It would be great for everybody else but I was just annoyed! I wanted to read the letter. It wasn't important for me to eat cake or open presents. I just wanted to know what was written in this damn letter! But my family besides Remus didn't understand why Hogwarts was so important for me. It was like a connection to my Dad for me. I would be there where he was when he was in my age. But my aunt and uncle never wanted to hear anything about my dad. They just say "Stop talking about him like he is such a good person! You should forget him! It's just a shame that my sister loved him. Don't be proud for a Dad how is in prison!" But it's not like my godfather believes me about the innocents of my Dad and I'm not angry with him therefore because I know that normally you can't remember things when you were 3 so it's not that special he doesn't believe me. In the beginning it made me sad but now I can live with it and Moony never says something bad about him. He also tells me many stories from their school time. I knew one day I will show the world that my dad is innocent. And I knew if I had a real proof Remus would believe me very fast because I can feel that he misses my Dad.

After I opened my presents and everything my uncle told me to go and pack all of my stuff. "Where are we going?" I asked very confused.

"Didn't Lupin tell you that you are staying with him till school starts?" I got so happy about this news that I totally forget the letter. I ran upstairs and packed just in 2 Minutes all my stuff. Then I ran downstairs where everybody was waiting for me.

"Goodbye love you all" I said and kissed all of them on the cheek. After that I grabbed Remus Arm so we could apperate.

"Sooo you wanna open your letter?"

"Yeeeeessssss after all this years! Now the time comes." I said dramatically.

"You just sounded like your Dad" Remus laughed. "Always a Drama Queen."

"We are the Drama queen Team with the grey eyes and brown/black curls! You don't have to be so jealous. If you change your eye color and your hair you would fit in" I teased Remus.          

Stay Strong (The story of Aludra Black)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora