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Monny really carried me all the way to the place he wanted to go. He wasn't walking for a long time; still it amazed me that he could carry me. Of course I was just eleven years old; but I was really tall for my age and being tall; everytime I meet someone they think that i'm 13. Added to that Remus doesn't look like a very strong Person, he is probably thinner than me and I was skinny. But when I saw where he brought me I totally forgot about what I was thinking. We were standing in front of the . I always wanted a pet, although I wanted a dog and I have never seen a dog there.

" And can you guess what your Birthday gift is?" Remus asked excited.

I looked with even more excitement back and pulled him into the store. I always wanted an owl, they are cute and it's not too much work. When I was younger I wanted a dog, but after i found out that you have to walk with them everyday more than twice, It's not like I wouldn't have fun but I prefer sleeping in the morning.

In the inside of the sore you saw so many different animals : cats, toads, and even nifflers, Kneazles and Puffskein. In every color and every type. I wasn't very interested in cat or toads, after all my dad's animagus form was a dog, so I always preferred dogs a lot more. If I could have another pet instead a Owl I would love to have a Niffler, but I knew Remus would never allow that; they would do to much chaos and they are not allowed in Hogwarts. Still I wanted to go and see the Nifflers.

"Aludra we are not getting you a niffler don't even try to make me." Remus said rapid, when I was moving towards them. I just made an annoyed sound and went to the owls. There were so many different ones but I saw in the first look the perfect one. Their was just one problem a girl with long blond hair was standing next to it. I just ignored that fact and thought that the owl could just decide; so I went closer to the black baby owl. Luckily I saw that the girl wasn't looking at the black barn owl I want; she was looking at the white baby barn owl next to it; at least I hoped that this was the case. So I just decided to ask her.

"Hallo are you looking at the white owl or the black one I couldn't really tell for 100%"

She turned around and looked at me; she had blue eyes and was wearing a headband.

"I'm going to buy the white one my mum is already looking for the owner. Which one were you looking for?"

" Thank Merlin, I'm thinking about buying the black one and I already know how I would call it." I replied happy. She smiled back and wanted to say something but a woman which looked a lot like her came with the owner.

"It was nice to meet you, but my mum is here and by the way my name is Tamara; see you in Hogwarts." Then she turned to her mum; before I even could reply. it didn't took them long to leave the shop with the owl. I didn't even realize that Moony was observing me just when I turned around I saw it. "Where you staring like this the whole time?"

"I wasn't staring; I was just looking if you are doing something bad", he answered grimmig, "So you found a friend?"

"Yeah she is so cute I think I want her!" I answered excited.

"You can't own humans.. that's not how friendships work " Remus replied very confused.

I started laughing.

"Ok you were joking, right? So did you find a friend or not?" He's asked still confused.

Sometimes Moony could be so stupid and he always says that my Dad and James were the stupid one from the Marauders.

"I was talking about the Owl! And me and the girl, we didn't talk that much she had to go, but seemed friendly. But let's talk about the owl. Look how cute it's looking at me and in the time I was watching it she tried the whole time to open her cage isn't that cute! She seems like a little troublemaker! I already know how I want to call it!"

" He is a troublemaker I can promise you that" The owner said. She was just walking in our direction. I got even more excited, because that meant the owl was perfect for me. "Remus I want Hood!"

"Hood?" Remus asked curius.

"Yes that's what I thought for his name and look at him he is jumping happily up and down; that means he likes it." I grinned.

"You heard the Girl, Miss", he looked for her name Tag," Miss Wells , we would like to buy the Hood."

"Okay but you really should take good of him; he is still young and for giving him post you should wait some months. Also do you want to buy owl crackers too?"

" I think that would be good. How much would that be?" Remus said, while I was playing with Hood. The two grown ups were talking about Hood and what is important and other stuff; but I didn't really care; Remus could explain me everything later. I was just talking to Hood and explained him why his name was so perfect for him. This was absolutely my best birthday! I got an owl, I spend my time with Moony, I got my Hogwarts Letter, and soon I will go to Hogwarts. Moony told me how he met his Friends in hogwarts:...

After his Sorting the eleven year old Remus went to the Gryffindor Table. He sat next to a ginger Girl, which immediately introduced herself to me as Lily Evans.

"Hi I'm Remus Lupin." Remus replied and turned back to the ceremony. After the ceremony the girl asked Remus if his parents were wizards. The boy with the scars was surprised, that she was talking to him. At his home all the kids bullied him; because of his looking; he always looked sick due to his lycanthropy. But Lily, she was just talking to him like he was a normal kid. He told her about his parents, that his mum is a muggle but his dad a wizard and that he works in the ministerium. After that Lily told him about her parents and that she had a sister; she also told him also about the train ride where she met some annoying boys and that she is happy that not everyone is like that. They had a long conversation ,where they found out they have same interests like reading and since Remus mum was a muggle, he had read muggle books too. The rest of their conversation was just about books and remus enjoyed it to have someone to talk about the books he liked and what other books were good. That was the beginning of his first friendship and Lily Evans was till the end his friend, even if sometime they had a little trouble. That trouble normal involved his other Friends.

Together they all made memories and that's what I want for my Hogwarts time. I want to find my best friends and make Memories; Memories which will make me laugh when i'm old. I want those memories which want me go back to that time. Finally it's my time for Hogwarts. Me and Hood will cause a lot of trouble in that castle and who knows, probably I will find my own marauders. 

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