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"So when are we going to the Diagon Alley?" I asked early in the morning. It was like really early and I didn't care that uncle Moony isn't a morning person, because I really wanted to go now. Just in few days it was the first of September that meant in some days I will go to Hogwarts.

He yawned "Can I first wake up please. We will go when the time comes. I need first something with chocolate."

"We can get chocolate ice cream in Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour or buy chocolate in Sugarplum's Sweet Shop and do you know the best thing it's both in the Diagon Alley so we have to go!"

Moony pushed his Pillow in his face and yawned "Why again was I happy when I was made your Godfather? You got every annoying trait from your Dad and he had a lot of them."

I stole his blanket while I said happily "Thank you I know I'm so awesome like my Dad you don't have to tell me that so much and now WE ARE GOING!" He stood up grumpy what meant for me that I won. I left his room and waited in the living room; when he came I stood up very fast so we could apparate, but he said "You got what you want we are going, even if it's like 7 in the morning and we could open the shops, but please let me eat my breakfast in peace."

I decided to not say something back, because he would probably freak out and be even grumpier. Remus Lupin could be the calmest person on earth, however in the mornings he was the opposite. That meant for me to wait, what always was a big problem for me. But who doesn't hate waiting? The only thing which came in my mind to do was to read my Hogwarts Shopping List. After the 20th time reading the list uncle Moony came; said we could go. So I took his hand and we apparated. For me it wasn't a new feeling, hence I didn't felt that sick when we arrived.

The Diagon Alley was so beautiful. It wasn't the first time I was there, yet it was magical like the first time and this time I would finally buy my wand! Without even telling Remus that I first wanted to get that, we went to Olivanders. I slowly opened the door and went in, but no one was in sight. "Are you sure it's already open? "

Remus answered with a small bitterness "Yes I'm pretty sure. When I was in your age I came also so early." I wanted to ask him why he came so early, but before I could ask an old man came from the back of the Shop.

"Hello Mr. Lupin and Miss..." He made a short break and looked closely at me. "Miss. Black daughter of Sirius Black, am I right?" I just nodded really confused: From where did he know who my dad was? I didn't even have to ask that, because he continued talk. "I can see your dad in you, not just your appearance and that you are with Remus Lupin is also a big clue that you are Blacks daughter. And I think I already know what the perfect Wand for you is." I couldn't understand what he meant that I'm like my Dad. It's not that I'm not like him, but this men didn't knew me from where does he want to know how my character is? When he went between the shelves full with wands, I told Moony what was going on in my mind. "I don't know how he does it. I think it's just a part of being a wand maker, because you have to find the perfect wand, which fits best to the person." He answered, but you could tell that he also grew curios about it. My curiosity went away when the old man came back with a wand box. I went closer to him and you could tell from my smile how excited I got. The box was slowly opened by Mr. Olivander. I wanted to shout that he should open it faster, but thanks to merlin I could restrain that. Without really looking at the wand I took it to do what he told me to do: Swish it. Before I really could do that I fiery feeling came in me but not a bad one it was a great feeling, it was a powerful feeling. It was hard to describe the feeling but I just knew that this was the right wand for me. I opened my eyes, which I closed when I touched the wand out of instinct, and looked at the wand. It was a beautiful wand: the wood was golden brown and twirls wear craved in it.

"Sycamore wood like your father had it, unicorn hair core like Mr. Lupins wand here, 11" in length, and slightly springy flexibility. I thought it would be perfect for you and my instincts didn't fail. This is not a wand you will get bored with; you will have many adventures and it will always accompany you or it didn't have chosen you." I happily looked at my wand, while Moony was paying for it. The wand was out of the same wood as my Dads, what made it even better.

It didn't took us so much time to do all the school shopping, because the Diagon Alley still wasn't crowded and the shops were nearly empty. It was great to get all my stuff and I couldn't wait to go home and start to try some things. Who knows probably I blow up even some things, what would be really awesome.

We were standing in the middle of the Alley, when Moony stopped walking. "What happened?" I asked.

He grinned at me and just said "Follow me and don't ask where we are going."

"But I want to know where we are going if we are going somewhere."

"Then you won't get your birthday present."

"But it was my Birthday. You have to give it to me!"

"Then follow me." Moony repeated.

"But I want to know where we are going!" I repeated.

He looked incredulous at me. "Stop being so stubborn, just come you are getting a present and I want it to be a surprise!"

"And the in the end you lied to me and we are going somewhere boring. So just tell me where we are going!" I replied serious.

All of sudden he came to me and just lifted me up. "Then we will go like this. I still can carry you, even if you are eleven."

I just gave a snort out of me because I knew this time he won, so it was 1:1.

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