} Seven {

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Michael^^ just imagine him with blond hair and green eyes and you are set. (He even has the latin cross)

"It was as dark as the soldier's own box."
-The Tin Soldier in the gutter.

Brother. Brother. Brother. Brother...

No matter how many times I repeated that in my head I still couldn't grasp the meaning of it. Michael was at my side in an instant, hugging me close and shooting daggers with his eyes at Kaien.

If Kaien was Michael's brother, that meant that Kaien was also an archangel, but how could that be? If he was truly an archangel the news of his drop would have been announced to the whole population of Celestiel, because loosing an archangel affected all of the Seven Kingdoms.

My head was being bombarded with questions, but the one who stood out most was: what had Kaien done to deserve falling?


He knew what I was going to ask, he replied simply with, "Ask him." He said while making a quick movement with his chin towards Michael.

I pushed myself away from Michael and looked at him in the eye. "Michael?"

Now he looked confused. While Kaien looked determined and seemed almost...content? Michael frowned but soon rage took over.

"You want me to tell her? How you left? You are a deserter. You left and no one knew where you were until Raphael saw you on the surface with some...girl."

It was Kaien's turn to look confused and gobsmacked. "I deserted? Where did you come up with that lie!" Kaien roared, power radiating off him in heated waves. That was when I felt the extent of his powers. He was as strong as Michael, maybe even stronger.

"You and your brothers took me in my sleep and dropped me! You tell me I deserted when all I did to deserve falling was being born!" At this point Kaien was panting with rage. He soon saw me looking at him and he turned his head hastily. I frowned, did he think I feared him?

"What does he mean by that Michael?"

Michael was stammering, "I-I don't-" He took a second to cough and his eyes softened, his gaze dropped. "I didn't drop you Kaien. I don't think I or our brothers did."

Kaien took a step forward, making Michael flinch a little. He was taller than him by a few inches.

"Tell me how dragging me all the way from my chambers to the gates and pushing me over isn't DROPPING ME!"

"It's the-the-" Michael seemed to want to say something, but he couldn't. He looked like he was having an internal war with himself and soon I grew worried by the strain in his face.

"Michael, stop whatever you're doing. You're hurting yourself!"

He shook his head and then held it between his hands. He finally relaxed. "Bring me a pencil and paper." He breathed out.

Kaien had a thoughtful expression on, like he was examining Michael. Seeing as he wasn't moving I went to search for paper and a pencil. I found what looked like an office and found what I needed.

I grabbed a pencil from the office table and quickly rushed back into the living room where both brothers-it felt strange acknowledging them as so- sat on opposite sofas, both looking away from each other.

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