Chapter 22

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I had finished getting dressed and was waiting for Ruff to text. I looked at myself in the mirror, my knee length red dress actually looked nice on me. It was one that Hiccup had designed and made.

I transformed into Cat Noir as soon as Ruff texted and headed to the restaurant. Once I was there I saw Luckybug land and detransform at the same time I did. "Wow Astrid you look, amazing" he stated.

"You think so? It's the dress you designed and gave to me" I smiled. He seemed to be speechless "I almost didn't recognise it on you" he laughed. We waited for our friends to arrive whilst hiding and both of our phones went off.

Ruff texted asking if I could come into the restaurant and Fishlegs asked Hiccup the same thing. We agreed but said that we couldn't bring Luckybug or Cat Noir. I walked in first and took a seat then Hiccup came and sat with me.

We hadn't even been sitting for two minutes when something went crash and someone barged through the front doors "I am Grimborn and you will all be as miserable as I am!" He yelled. I nudged Hiccup "looks like it's time to go" I whispered as I slowly crept away.

I returned as Cat Noir "hey there Mr. Grumpy what's the matter?" I shouted to grab his attention. There were cheers until Grimborn shot at them with the gem on his watch.

"Hey bugaboo, gem on his watch" I told him as I dodged one of the blasts. Luckybug dodged another "I'm on it, destroy the watch and throw the gem over" he called over to me.

It wasn't long before I was running towards Grimborn and his watch. The watch strap disintegrated and I threw the gem over to Luckybug. He broke the gem and nothing happened I turned round to see a wristband which had been under the watch shooting a blast at Luckybug.

"Watch out!" I yelled as I pushed him out the way.

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