ROUND 8. 11/9/13-11/12/13 END

3.6K 370 5

It has come to our attention that votes only count in the three-day period after posting a chapter. To be as efficient as possible we want to make as many votes count by collecting votes in additional chapters. Votes will be tallied only if it's within the three-day grace period.

Hello all. Who can we dedicate our newly added chapters to, that will help gear this petition further in establishing a LGBTQIPA genre on wattpad? We need all the help we can get. So post away :) 

Note: If you miss the mark, we will be posting additional chapters for you to vote. The current voting period is as follows: 11/9/13 - 11/12/13

Please vote in ongoing rounds only, so we can keep track of how many votes count in our favor. This does not mean you have to refrian from voting on new rounds. We know it's addicting.

For a short period we will have a new administrator so time zones have changed, stick with us and vote vote vote.

LGBTQIPA GENRE PETITIONWhere stories live. Discover now