Chapter 1. "Mistakes//Denial"

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Who said Boys Couldn't Cry?

There's a picture that's already painted with a purpose already in society that boys aren't emotional, or sensitive in ways others boys aren't without being called gay for it. I'm a living witness.

Some boys go in for hugs than handshakes because were might just more expressive than other boys. That doesn't make you more or less of a man.

   Playing football or basketball doesn't make you safe of being one hundred percent a real "man". Boys can be emotional not all are tuff you can call them punks,faggots,& etc but the same names you call them might be the names you see in yourself.

   I had to figure it out as well what I call others is what I see in myself. Half of the words I called people were cruel and horrible that's because I wasn't happy with myself.

   I hid things, kept secrets, and was lying to a mom for no reason at all until a blessing in disguise happen that gave me a reality check to my life . I was a mischievous person living for the wrong type of attention until I realized people will still love me for me and not who I thought they wanted me to be. I don't wish anyone bad but everyone needs a blessing in disguise to snap you back and make you realize that you're taking the wrong path.

Honestly my blessings in disguise made me realize that people that are so close to you will disclaim and abandon you.

Everyone make mistakes. Mistakes that reveal the people who secretly disown or unclaim you no matter the relationship.

I honestly think this world is so strewed up because they have this perception of boys and girls. Girls are the emotional cheerleaders, dancers, and etc. Boys are supposed to be the heartbreakers, mannish, rough, football player, or basketball player.

    If you don't fit in the perception of those categories you're called names that doesn't even match your personality or description as a person.

You have people in this world that are unhappy with themselves and want you to jump on their unhappy train. When you are always positive, your positivity comes a whole lot of hate.

The hate usually comes from people that you think that are rooting for you but they're really rooting against you.

   I got hate from people i tried to impress mostly family but the denial doesn't really matter to me anymore.

Nobody is golden when people realize that then maybe people wouldn't be so damaged and stone hearted. And won't treat their family members or children as experiments but like they're real people with real lives.

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