Chapter 2. "Leave Me Lonely"

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    Why do I say Boys Do Cry is because we all show our sensitivity but we all show it in different ways.

   I want to dedicate this chapter to the hurt and broken ones out there. That feel like they can't express themselves that feel trapped.

    It's okay to make stupid decisions and mistakes isn't that what life is all about? If there's no need for you to be in my life and your sole purpose for me is to be accused of being so bad or bringing negativity leave me alone.

   I've done a lot of stupid things we all have but hey everyone has a past right? It might not be understanding but we did it with no thought.

     I've made dumb & thoughtless mistakes that make me feel guilty afterwards but I don't regret doing. If you make mistakes don't regret them because those mistakes are building you to be a new you. My mistakes had my own family running their mouths about me.

   If you know me you know i live for the controversy good or bad because one can't come without the other.

    Leave me lonely if my mistakes are so unforgivable or are so "gay", "punk", "sissy" just because I'm living for myself and for not for nobody and not excluding my family you can walk right out of my life and leave the keys on that mat.

    Now that my mother and I have been stronger than ever communication wise and just wiser together that's all I've ever needed.

    But sometimes I do sit back and remember how I always felt like I was never good enough for my father side of the family. My little brother and sister got presents from my grandparents whenever they asked but for me nothing! Yet they could always give me criticism and when i leave talk about how bad & rebellious I am.

   I always felt sincerely loved with my mom side of the family. Always equally treated as everyone else.


    I was always the type of boy that'll run away from my problems. But now I'm so nonchalant towards everything and everyone and their feelings.

   I've built up a wall that no one could ever tear down because i sat and realize what's running going to do but people taking it for weakness.

    When life throws me bad i don't care about it. Once I cry it out and sit and talk and pray about it I don't care about it anymore. Yes! I said cry Boys Do Cry.

I don't care what you have to say about it. Because I don't spend my time on past mistakes when my purpose in life is to move forward.


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