Chapter 8

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Leafy and Onision were both sitting at home editing videos but thinking of each other. Calvin decided to open tumblr and message Greg. He typed "Hello Onision!" It was stupid he knew but he still sent it. Then he got back to editing. He finished and it was really late... Almost midnight. When he decided to check tumblr again just incase. He was beyond delighted to see that he had gotten a message from Onision. His face lit up and he saw that the message read: "Hello..." He typed back. "You actually noticed me!" He felt like a weird fangirl. He honestly was though. His fingers were shaking as he pressed send. Almost seconds later he got another message. "I know who this is." Leafy felt his face heat up and his heart start to beat faster. "You do?" He was getting anxious now. He clicked send and shit his eyes. After about a minute he got the guts to look up. The next message read: "Yes... It's Leafy." His heart was beating out of his chest. He quickly typed a response. "Sorry... I guess you know now..." He clicked send with sweaty hands and a red face. Moments later he saw a new message. "Well I guess I do. But don't worry I kinda like you too <3." He was dying inside. His heart was beating so fast and hard he could hear it. His face was flushed red and he almost fainted. He decided to say something back. He then closed tumblr and fell asleep.

 Never Leave Me Leafy x Onision fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now