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*Serena's P.O.V*

Hi my name is Serena! *You can hear a faint face palm* Ugh you guys probably knew that already, but I'm no where close to perfect. *Wince* About the exact opposite of perfect ;-;

*Ash's P.O.V*

*Looks up from his phone* I been looking at these fan fics and I just realized why am I always the dense one in these stories. I mean I'm never dense! *Face palm from Serena and about everyone else* Anyways this story is okay I guess, but I hate the author though. *Sylveon's grabbing the nearest knife. Which is probably gonna be a butter knife with my luck ;-;*

*Dawn's P.O.V*

*Looks at her phone* Sorry playing Pokémon Go bother me a different time, please. You want my honest opinion on this book? Okay this book is wonderful if you minus the author. *;-; Why does everyone hate the author?;-;*

*Misty's P.O.V*

I honestly don't get why this is a Amourshipping book, why can't it be a Pokéshipping book? *You can hear Amourshippers sharpening their knives*

*Iris's P.O.V*

Oh Ash is such a k- *I swear I'm f you say kid one more time..* k- *Punches Iris* I was gonna say kangaroo... *Whoops <Sweatdrops>*

*Brock's P.O.V*

Marry me! *No* Please?! *I said no.* But I love you! *Please get out of my life.* ;-; I need to learn my life doesn't depend on women. All I need is a lifetime supply of ramen...

*Calem's P.O.V*

This book is trash! Don't read it! It's awful! *Shakes head. Calem is lying again.* No I'm not! She kidnapped all of us to create this book! *Shh, Calem. No one needs to know about that part.*

*Gary's P.O.V*

*Welcome to Gary's P.O.V of life.* Heyo pretty ladies! *Um Gary some of our readers may not be girls. <Sweatdrops>* I don't care! You all are pretty in my book! *Oh wow Gary I didn't know you felt that way about me.. ;-;* Huh? Oh I wasn't talking about you, Sylveon. *;-; Maybe men don't deserve me at all...*

*May's P.O.V*

You said there was gonna be food here! *I did not!* Well you did. Now hand over the food before things start getting serious... *Lemme go get my butter knife. I'll be right back!* 10 minutes later... *She won. I had to take her to Chipotle T^T*

*Clemont's P.O.V*

*My back is killing me.* Let me help with "THINGY THAT RUBS YOUR BACK 9000" *I-I'm fine. I can deal with it.* No you can't! *I know my own body, thank you!* You're missing out on life! *Bye. You're a waste of my time.*

*Professor Sycamore P.O.V*

I think it's great and all you made this book, but it's trash. Go throw it away no one likes it. *T^T And after all these years you said "Kids don't bully! Be nice!" I don't get it T^T*

*Professor Oak P.O.V*

Well I think it's great you're trying to learn how to write! *._. I already know how to write.* No you don't! I remember even to this day you type about as slow as Misty. *T^T*

*Grace's P.O.V*

She can't kiss him, she can't come in physical contact with him, she can't touch his hand, she can't breathe his scent, he can't hug her, 10 hours later...
*•_• Done?* Yes I am. *I can't promise those things..* WHAT?! *Well bye, Grace!* T^T

*Bonnie's P.O.V*

*Le gasp, and bows down* Bonnie starts putting on dem hater shades, and someone starts playing the John Cena music. *SHE KNOWS EVERYTHINGGG* Bonnie nods like a beast...


Author's Note: I'm gonna add more people once I think of something... Letting you guys know it will be updated as soon as I get my lazy butt off the couch ;-;

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