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We're in 2016 right? so why we acting like we still in the 20th century, when are we gonna change this fucked up system so we're all equal?? People say bs like all lives matter, what about Normani's is she not a person cause she black, is that why you think it's okay to bully her excessively to the point she feels she's lost all control and has to quit something??? Like grow up ffs being racist only makes you look ugly so what's the point. Firstly for her fellow bandmates most of your tweets were apologetic and sincere but seems like a couple lacked genuineness and lost its main focus, you need to rethink your existence please. Secondly you uglies hiding behind a computer and phone your life is worthless if you resort to this bullshit and don't forgot karma is an ugly BITCH!!!

Swirl GoalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora