Chapter 4.

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Two hours have passed and I've already seen probably 1/4 of the house, well mansion. It was huge. Bigger then my parents house. The two guys that brought me here were now leading me to where I will stay at.

"You're not allowed to go out of the room without permission from the boss. And if you do go out with permission we will be with you. We'll be outside 24/7." With that being said the much taller guy opened the door and escorted me in. He stopped walking when he got to the door frame and unlocked the handcuffs I was in.

"Boss will be here in about 2 hours." He then closed the door behind me.

I took a sight of the room. It wasn't small but it wasn't big either. It was decorated and everything. The walls were a cream color while the wall that the bed was by was grey.

The bed seemed welcoming so I jumped in it and sighed. I can't believe this was happening. My life couldn't be this, so I needed to escape. I have to gain his trust for this to work out.

Who knows how long that will take. Probably months, hopefully not a year.


The hours passed and 'boss' was suppose to be here in 5 minutes. I was sitting by the edge of the bed. My legs are short so I was slowly swinging them. I was starving.

The door opened and there he was. His face seemed tired, bags were clearly noticeable.

He closed the door behind him, locking it. Oh no.

"Let's get down to business. You know why you're here right?" He asked. He was leaning on the door, his arms crossed.

"My parents." I said rolling my eyes.

"Just not that." He said.

I raised an eyebrow, wondering what he was talking about.

"I've always had an eye on you, since you were 13."

"Stalker much?" I asked, chucking.

"You will stay here forever, not just because of what happened with your family, but also because you will become mine."

"You're crazy. I can't possibly stay here with you." I said standing up from the bed. He walked to me.

"You have no options sweetie." He said while tucking my hair in the back of my ear.

"I have my options. And I surely don't need you to tell me I don't have them." I say crossing my arms.

"You will obey me, take it the easy way or the hard way. That's up to you. I advice you to take it the easy way or there will be punishment. But if you take the hard way, I'll love that." He pushed me into the bed, then got on top of me.

"Get off of me you f'ing bastard!" I said trying to push him way. He grabbed my neck and pushed his hand onto it. I was gasping for air.

"Don't disrespect me ever again." He threatened. "Do you understand?!" He asked, his grip was getting tighter.

I nod. Tears were about to fall from the pressure. One more minute of this and I would surely be dead.

He let got of me and stood up. I was coughing and gasping for air. I need to get out of here. My grave is probably already ready for me, and that's because of my parents. Shit they don't even deserve for me to call them parents.

"Don't even try anything princess." He walked out the door, slamming it shut.

I massaged my neck. It was hurting like crazy.

I walked to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. A bruise of a hand was slightly forming around my neck.

Tears were forming in my eyes, I couldn't help it. He could've killed me right there. But he didn't. He should've.


Little bit of a filler but Just wait until the next chapter though. So excited for it. And I'm updating late sorry, I was very busy last week. Anyways hope you have a good day/night.

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