Sorry ( this is a new chap )

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This is a really wired chap 😂😂

Y / N pov
I sat up after like 3 hours of just sitting there in the grass. We started talking to

Well I should probably get back before they go looking for me I said as I got up

Killua already is Feitan said looking at me

Yeah well I guess I'll need to get back before he finds me and before he gets back

Want me to walk you back he said getting up

Na I think I'll be good


I started to walk off when he said something

Uh when do you want to meet up again I want to soon because I won't be here much longer he said as he walked toward me

Uhhh how about in 3 days?

Yeah that will work meet me where we met today

Ok! I then turned around and started running back to where Gon was

Killuas pov~

I ran around the whole city and I couldn't find them so I started to run outside of it and through the forest and meadow as I ran through the forest I saw Y / N and Fritan in the meadow I got close but not close enough to hear them then Y / N started running back to where Gon was. I started running back I had to get back before her.

she knew I was following her or that's probably what Feitan told her so if I got back before her she would think I wasn't following her ( Does that make sense? ) I was so close to getting there when I saw Y / N talking to Gon. Crap I'm too late I walked up to them and Y / N looked at me then walked off

Why is she mad? Gon said as he looked at me

I don't know but he will get over it anyway I'm going to bed I said as I went to lay down


Feitans pov~

I watched as Y / N started to run off I then saw Killua run after her he was mad and he might hurt my- uh I mean he might hurt Y / N so I started running after him making sure she got there safe I followed him until he got to where Y / N was she was safe he walked up to her then walked off she then started talking with Gon after talking she went off to sleep. Killua had no reason to be mad at Y / N and I was going to make sure he knows that...

Y / N pov

I woke up with the sun in my face so I turned to my side so it wasn't in my face. I tried to go back to sleep but I felt someone watching me and I was not about to go to sleep with someone watching me. So I got up and went to a lake pond thing I looked over and saw a tree hanging over it so I went and climbed it I let my feet dangle over the side of the branch I was on. I breathed it the cool morning air it was nice and quiet to I should wake up early more often...hahah Naaa

I closed my eyes enjoying everything then I was in the water I swam up and looked at where I sat and saw Killua

Uh what was that for I said calmly

For hanging out with FEITAN

Look I'm sorry but he's chill

No he is NOT he said as he stood up from the branch

Killua I can hangout with who I want to

He slammed his fist onto the branch NO LOOK I KNOW YOU CAN BU- the branch broke

Time skip~

He hasn't come up yet and it's been a few minutes I then felt something brush past my foot then I was pulled under. I opened my eyes and looked around and saw Killua he started to swim to me his arms were on the ground and he was on top of me he came closer and closer I couldn't breathe for much longer but then our lips met. He put his arms around me and pulled us up and we broke apart so I could get air. Killua looked at me and I looked at him he breathed in and so did I coz he still had a hold of me we went under and he let go so I started to swim away.

I felt him grab my foot and pull me back and into his arms again but this time he just hugged me we sat under water and hugged. I started to not be able to breathe so I tapped his back but he did nothing I pulled back little and looked at him and he looked at me then hugged me again. I tapped his back again but still nothin at this point I can't breathe I frankly started to tap his back and he still did nothing so I punched his back and tried to pull back he then realized why I was hitting him and jolted up and out of the water

I started to breathe again Killua just looked at me

W-what I said

The color in your face just went back

W-well y-yeah

Why are you stuttering he said as he came closer

Well I j-just couldn't be- breathe for a minute I said panting

I- I'm so sorry Y / N he said as he hugged me

Na it's fine I said hugging back

Let's go back ok?

Yeah I said making my way back to shore. I got back up and started walking then noticed that the clothes that I had on me were all I had I turned to see Killua behind me i jumped

Oh god ya scared me I said turning around to him

Oh yeah he said wiggling his eyebrows

Oh also what we have on is all we have I said backing up a little

They will dry and we can go to town and get stuff he said taking a step forward to me

Stop getting closer I said giggling a little

Why playing hard to get he said taking a big step forward as o stepped back into a tree

Ow I said rubbing my head

I'll make you feel better he said kissing my head

I blushed a little kil-

He started kissing me on the lips I put my hands on his chest and tried to push him off but it didn't work he asked for entrance but I denied. I tried to push him off again and it still didn't work so I stomped on his foot then he got off me


Killua I almost drowned and I tried to get your attention and then you kissed me and I tried to get you to stop but you didn't!

He looked down I'm sorry I just don't like you with Feitan he said looking down

And I don't like you with her. I looked behind Killua and saw Feitan

Kidnapped by a assassin Killua X reader X Feitan Where stories live. Discover now