Gons crazy and there is a girl

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~Y/n pov

I hadn't seen anyone for a while I tell I headed screaming and...crying? I ran to the noice and saw Killua on the ground even though he was crying he looked real cute anyway I saw a ant and was about to attack when Killua yelled Palm ( sorry if spelled wrong but I don't feel like looking up how to spell it ) watched front the corner until they got up and left. There was really nothin for me to do basically all the ants were dead, Gon was going after one of the guards and I had no clue where the others were so I just walked round

~ Big time skip? ~

Gon and one of the guards left to some other place and I had no clue where Killua was... again but I did hear for Killuas little squid friend that we found a girl that the King took a likening to for some reason we had to keep her away from the other ants so I was told to be on the look out for any other guards but I hadn't seen any and I had a bad feeling about that... they had to be planing something

I went outside and saw Killua

Hey I said running up to then

Take her I'm going after Gon he said giving me the girl and running off

Eww what is there a line of snot I said trying to not get it on me

I don't know now come on we're going to go to the underground area where I got in Palm said

Ugh fine

We started running and once there I placed the girl down and sat down myself later Killuas squid friend came in and we came up with a plan

~ Killuas pov coz why not ~

I got to where Gon was and he seemed way out of control his hair grew high an he seemed like her was way older then he was kinda like Bisky did but instead of looking young he looked old

GON CALM DOWN YOUR GONNA KILL YOURSELF I yelled to him but he didn't respond

There was then a bright light and the guard was gone and Gon was back to normal but on the ground I helped him up and we started walking back

Baka I mumbled he didn't respond he just smiled

MK THATS ALL I haven't finished HxH so I need to do dat before I continue on or else Ima have to make shiz up :P well bad

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