One Wish

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Gon's/ pov

Y / N Kite and Killua left to go get food and me and Hope are talking

So how did we like ya know teleport here? She asked throwing rocks off a cliff

Oh we were in greed island-

Wait that's where I know that name its a game right?

Uh yeah but I  beat it and I got to take a card with me

Oh cool so why did you teleport here then?

Well I'm trying to find my dad and so in the game when you meet someone and you have this card you can teleport to them bad my dad was the first person I met

Then why are you trying to find if if you saw him in game? She said now looking at me

Because I met him in the game when I was a baby he made the game and took me there

Oh uh cool?

We talked for a few more hours until Kite Killua and Y / N came back with food

Hey what took ya guys so long Hope asked

Oh um well it was a long walk and the line was long? Y / N said. Somthin was up and I needed to know what

Hey Killua can we talk I said getting up

Uh sure

We walked a little away so they could not hear us

So what's up? He asked putting his hands behind his head

What are you guys hiding?

Wh- nothing why

It just seems like you are I said leaning forward

Well we aren't so nothing to worry about. Now let's go

Killua started walking off back to kite and them

Time skip~

Y / N pov

Kites friends came and told us all they know about the ants they all were doing some research and killua and Gon were asking questions

Hey I said sitting down next to Hope

Hi what ya doin

Nothin but I'm thinking of dying my hair and getting a piercing I said looking around

Oh what color and where would you get the piercing she said smiling at Gon

Well I think I might dye my hair green and get piercings I'll over my face I said

Oh yeah that's cool

Hope I said glaring at her response

HOPE everyone looked at me

Wh- what

Did you hear what I said

Uh no sorry

Ugh what all did you hear

Dyeing hair and a piercing she said

Guys you can look away no I said wavering my hands. Anyway I'm thinking of cotton candy pink, Dark red, or Blue and for the piercing I'm thinking snake bites or just a nose piercing

Oh cool she said looking at me this time

What do you think?

Uhh I think you should get what you want not what someone else says

Oh well that was actually a lot of help



Wait I know what you should get she said wiggling her eyebrows at me

Okkk what

Get white hair and Mach your boyfrienddddd

Hope I will kill you if you say something like that again


Yo Y / N Killua said


We are going to go to a hotel for now we are room 503 floor 5 ok?

Yeah I'll be there in a few I'm going to walk around for a bit. Oh Hope wanna come?

Na I'm going with them


Small time skip~

I was walking down the street when I saw somthin glowing down an alley so I walked down to see what is was I picked up the he glowing object it stopped glowing and started talking. You have found the ring of wishes you I will grant you one wish. This was wired but I decided to try it but what would I wish for I had a few ideas one I would kill all of the stupid ants two I would ask for Gons dad three I would have Killuas family die and four... I would bring Mia back

Kidnapped by a assassin Killua X reader X Feitan Where stories live. Discover now