Chapter 9: I Do Kiss Nerds

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Monday (Juvia's back)

The Mira Mira news was played...and the whole school turned on me. I'm now the worst person to ever live, officially.

I sat alone at Lunch. Juvia ignored all of us, Cana spent her time with Bacchus, and Lucy...she was also in love with her new lover, Natsu Dragneel, the fire.

I sat down, feeling depressed, lonely, sad, and I wanted to crawl into a cave and die. As I looked across the cafeteria, I saw Gajeel walk in. We made eye contact, but he quickly looked away.

I stood up and threw my lunch away: I wasn't hungry.

I quickly walked out the cafeteria, and I began to walk to the only place where I could be, Mira's office.

I opened the door and slowly walked in.

"Oh? Levy, what's up?" Mira asked typing away.

I placed my bag down and clapped my hands. "Well! I'm now the most hated person in the school."

Mira stopped typing and rolled from under her desk to face me.

"I know what're you gonna say: it's my fault! I should have never done that."

"I'm glad we're on the same page." She then rolled over to her desk to type again. "You Know Levy...In a month, you caused a whole bunch of Chaos."

"Yeah...I know..."

"But what you don't how it started. "

"I do. This all started because that stupid letter was given to me instead if Juvia!"

Mira stopped typing and sighed," That's one side of the story."

"What do you mean?"

"Levy...i caused solo of this."


"I took the letter from Juvia's locker and put it in yours. I planned all of this from the beginning."


"I knew you were never going to talk to Gajeel, and I knew how much he loved you, and I knew you weren't going to give him a chance!"

"Who do you think you are?! I knew you were playing games! I found it weird that you had all of this prepared before hand."

"You have to understand. As a love guru, I had--"

"Cut the love guru crap! You are NOT a love guru! You're a creepy stalker woman that likes to be involved in everyone's lives!"

"You take that back!" She yelled as she stood up in anger.

"No! Because you ruined my life! You got into my head, telling me I was getting revenge, but in reality you were getting revenge on me for making Gajeel the person he is today!"

She went quiet. She looked at me ave nodded, "You're right. I was getting revenge on you fur hurting Gajeel, but I was also trying to fix the wound you created in Gajeel by making you fall in love."

I grabbed my bag and shook my head as I walked backwards towards the door. "You re one sick crazy bitch." I ran out the room, regreating everything I did.


2 Months Later (May)

Two months have passed, and slowly, the whole situation about me has died down. Lucy and Cana haven't talked to me yet, and Juvia's never talking to any of us again, but she did move on.

I was walking down the hall, lost in thought, when I crashed into Gajeel. I looked up at him, with much sorrow in my eyes."I'm...I'm sorry..."

I quickly moved out of his way, but while walking away, he grabbed my wrist, making me stop. I closed my eyes and kept facing forward. I then spoke, "Let go."

I Don't Kiss Nerds (Gale AU) ✔Where stories live. Discover now