Chapter 1: Blueberries on the Skin

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Nagisa's POV

    The third Wednesday of October began differently than most. Usually I rolled out of bed, got ready, and headed off to school at about 6:45. I arrived at 7:30 and made it to first period by 7:45.

Today, though, the world seemed bent on changing the rules, something I despise, and my alarm never went off. On my own accord, I woke twenty minutes late.

The world was just so cruel to me.

Grumbling under my breath, I hurried through the regular motions of getting ready, before being out the door at 7:00. I was fifteen minutes late. I practically ran to school, glad for the lack of homework I had gotten the night before; it made the run easier on my back.

    During my dash, I kept my eyes peeled for a group of three guys. I always forgot their names, but the loved to push me around all the time because of my small size. It was pretty bad, actually. I had gotten bloody noses, bruises, and even a concussion once from them. No one knew, of course. Threats to my friends had made sure that it would stay a secret.

I glanced both ways as I crossed the street, stumbling over the curb. I hissed as pain shot through my ankle. I cursed and frowned at my foot, before hurrying on and ignoring the pain. I couldn't be late again.

Once I arrived at my first period, only a few minutes before the bell, I spotted someone sitting in my usual desk. We do have assigned desks in our classes, and I was a little ticked off by the continued changes in my usual life already.

I marched up to the person sitting in my chair, taking in his fiery red hair and tall, proud position—did I know him?—before leaning down to tap his shoulder. "Hey, you. That's my seat." I hissed. My nerves were already frayed and I didn't want to lose it.

A small chuckle escaped the stranger's lips. "Well, right now it's mine. I'm trying to have a pleasant conversation with Miss Rio here." He gestured to Nakamura, who sat next to me and tormented me all the time. His head turned, and he flashed me a teasing smirk. "What's wrong, blueberry?" His eyes were a stunning shade of gold, and I found myself speechless and frozen, drowning in the shimmery pools of Ichor*.

I blinked out of my trance from watching those eyes, before biting my lip. "Don't call me that." I huffed, crossing my arms. "My point is that class is about to start and that's my assigned seat."

The redhead scoffed, finally rising and sauntering to the back of the room, throwing an annoyed glance back at me. What a jerk.

I sat in my seat, sinking down low as Nakamura turned towards me.

"Nagisa! I can't believe you made him move! We were totally hitting it off until you ruined it!" She complained, reaching over and swatting my arm, before recoiling as if touching me burned her.

I sighed, glancing over to see the rage seething behind that playfully innocent face Nakamura had up. Today was going to be a long day.

x x x

After school was always the same: walk home, do homework, eat dinner, go to tutoring.

As I was heading home today, They found me.

'They' consisted of the three punky upperclassmen whose names I could never remember.

"Hey, lookit this, Terasaka. It's the blueberry." The blonde one spat, grinning at me.

Hey! I remembered one of their names.

The largest one, Terasaka, cracked his knuckles, before popping his neck and advancing towards me.

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