Chapter 4: Behind My Eyelids

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A/N: So above is the second possible cover (by @/noonecaresconnor on IG). Please vote on which cover should be for this fanfiction! (Sorry the way I did this was awkward)

Karma's POV

    I couldn't believe what had just happened.

    Nagisa and I kissed.

    Well, then he puked on my lap, but that wasn't the point.

    I could feel the warmth of his vomit soaking through my jeans, and I finally found the ability to move, jumping to my feet.

    Everyone else was shocked. Nagisa had run away. My lips were tingling.

    Suddenly, the trance melted away and everyone in the room burst into confused yells, asking me and Rio and each other what had just happened. I was silent, still unsure of what had transpired.

    Then I fell out of my silence, my heart racing. Nagisa had run away. I had to find him. I jumped to my feet and pushed past the two teens sitting between me and the hallway to the front door. I ignored Rio's hurried yells at me and darted out the door.

The cold chill in the air bit through my clothes, and I wrapped my arms around myself, shivering slightly. I wasn't even thinking about the vomit on my lap.

My shoes scuffed across the sidewalk quietly, the only sound in the still night besides the crickets chirping.

I let my gaze sweep across the street, spotting a dark figure crouched at the curb a few houses down. Blue eyes flashed in the dim moonlight as Nagisa's head turned. I guess I wasn't as quiet as I thought I was.

"K-Karma..." His voice was quivering.

    Slowly, I approached the quivering ball that was him. "Nagisa..." My voice came out hoarser than I expected, and I jumped slightly when the male moved, standing and taking a step away from me.

    "Stay back... I'm sorry... Just, stay back," he whispered, rainbow-of-blue eyes welling with tears.

    I stopped in shock. He was crying? Why was he crying? He hadn't done anything wrong!

    Nagisa turned his head away from me, and I found myself moving forward. "Nagisa, hey," I smiled at him as I moved closer. My hands settled on his shoulders, which were shaking. "You did nothing wrong, okay?" I whispered, bending my neck so I was eye-level with him.

    I used a finger to turn his face towards mine, gripping his chin.

    Nagisa bit his lip gently, which made my lips tingle. "Are you sure?" His question was barely a breath. I strained to hear him.

    "Yeah, you did nothing wrong," I assured him, keeping the smile on my face.

    My chest was swimming with confused emotions trying to overwhelm me. Fear, anger, joy... and something else.

    I bit my lip, noticing the way Nagisa's eyes flickered there as I did. "I'm serious, Nagisa. You did nothing wrong."

    He wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his sweater, nodding cautiously.

    Suddenly, I found myself overwhelmed by the smell of Nagisa, and his features were coming closer, closer, closer. I toyed with my lip, our eyes locked.

    And then we were kissing again, this time hungrier and oh so much better.

    My fingers were in his hair, his gripping the nape of my neck. Our bodies clashed. Then our tongues were dancing and I was melting inside.

    Finally, breathless and crazy, we pulled apart. I closed my eyes, my heart racing in an unknown pattern as I forced myself to calm down.

    "Wow," Nagisa murmured, voicing my thoughts. "Just, wow."

    I nodded, chuckling softly. "Definitely wow."

    Fingertips ghosting my cheeks made me open my eyes, finding Nagisa staring at me. "Karma... What are we now?" He asked softly, biting his lip.

    I felt my chest welling with emotions as I built the courage to ask him. "Nagisa... Do you want to go out with me? Be my... Boyfriend?" I tested the word carefully, feeling my stomach dip with fear as the memories of what she did came back. What if Nagisa rejected me? What if he outed me?

    My heart jumped into my throat, and I forced myself to calm down. That didn't matter now. She was gone. All that mattered was Nagisa.

    His eyes had widened, and his fingertips froze on my cheeks.

    I closed my eyes as my heart sank. No, no, no. This wasn't good. If Nagisa rejected me, he would definitely tell everyone at school, and then it was be her all over again. I couldn't let this—

    "Yes," he breathed, the word barely audible. "Yes." Nagisa spoke again, sounding more confident.

    Colors exploded behind my eyelids as I forgot about everything; school, Rio, Her. Even the vomit on my jeans. I knew a grin had forced it's way onto my lips, and I opened my eyes, taking in Nagisa's elated expression.

    He threw his arms around me, and I wound my arms around his waist. In the heat of the moment, I spun him around.

    I set him down, smiling at him. "Thank you," I said stupidly, feeling dumb as a stick in an airplane. Shouldn't I say more? I had no idea. This had never occurred before.

    Nagisa laughed at me, and I felt my cheeks burning up.

    "Sorry, did that sound stupid? Oh, god, it did, didn't it? Why did I say that? Shouldn't I act confident and be conceited in this moment or whatever? I mean, I've never really asked anyone out; well I was once asked out in fourth grade by a girl named Sylvia but she got hit by a bus a week after she asked me because, well, because she's blind. She didn't die, of course, but I haven't seen her since — oh god that was really insensitive, cause she's blind—" I realized I was babbling, and my cheeks flushed with more warmth.

    Nagisa watched me, blinking owlishly.

    I turned my head away, running a hand through my hair.

    "Well, this went smoothly," I mumbled.

x x x

    I entered the classroom slowly, glancing around before spotting the bluenette quite quickly. He turned his head as if he had sensed me, and his eyes lit up as he saw me.

    Nagisa headed towards me, and me towards him. We met in the center of the room.

    I wanted to kiss him until he melted, but I glanced at the others in the room. He looked ready to throw his arms around me, but following me gaze, Nagisa's face fell.

    He bit his lip. "I'm assuming you want this on the downside." The disappointment in his tone made me reconsider my decision, but remembering the disappointment in her tone made me stop.

    I imagined the hateful glares from the people around me if they knew my secret. I nodded slowly. "Yeah... It's hard to explain. I just..." I trailed off, unsure of what to say. My stomach was in knots.

    Nagisa stared at me for a moment, his gaze cold and unsure. Then he blinked out of it and smiled softly at me. "No problem," he lied easily.

    I bit my lip. "Sorry."

    He laughed softly. "Don't say that!" Nagisa took me by the wrist and pulled me towards our desks, which were both in the general area of the back.

    His hand was warm around my wrist, sending the comforting heat shooting up my arm and filling me up enough to make me fly away. It was familiar.

    Even with the emotions swirling joyfully inside of me, I found my stomach dropping. I had no idea what would come of this secret.

Sorry for the late update! I was busy yesterday.
I hope you like this chapter. Why do you think Karma wants to keep their relationship a secret? Who do you think 'she' is?

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