Chapter 5: A Heated Discussion with the Lips

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Nagisa's POV

    Slowly, I plucked a card from my hand, biting back a smile. Setting it on the discard pile, I let my hand pull away, and Kaede gasped.

"You know where my special card is! That's not fair!" She exclaimed as I took one of her cards. She pouted at me, and I grinned smugly.

    "It's completely fair," I argued happily, stroking my cards lovingly.

     Kaede puffed her cheeks with air, before putting down a Shuffle card. She quickly shuffled the cards before picking the next one. She groaned and slammed her cards down in frustration. The Exploding Kitten card stared up, causing my grin to widen.

    "Aaaand Nagisa wins again!" Rio announced dramatically, shooting me an annoyed look.

    I smirked smugly at her, holding out my hand for the money Kaede now owed me.

    She begrudgingly handed over a five dollar bill, glaring at me half-heartedly.

A hand on my shoulder caused me to turn quickly in my chair, my heart skipping a beat as Karma grinned a dazzling smile at me.

    "So... What's going on here?" He leaned against me, his elbow on my head.

     I whined and pushed his arm off. He shot me puppy-dog eyes, which turned into a happy smile when I didn't push him away the second time.

     "We're playing a card game called Exploding Kittens. Nagisa won." Kaede explained, spreading her previous hand to show him the different cards.

    "Again," Rio grumbled, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms.

    I sighed and pushed my chair away from the table, glancing at the clock. "I have to go talk to Mrs. Sprintz. She asked me to come." I said, watching in amusement as Karma almost fell from my movement.

    He caught himself on the table, shooting me a glare. I laughed to myself and stood, swinging my backpack over my shoulder, winking discreetly at Karma.

    Karma blinked, before smiling to himself. "Mrs. Sprintz? She needed me too." He said smoothly, running a hand through his hair.

    I got butterflies just watching him; how did one look so good just standing there?

    With a white tee under a red flannel and black jeans, he made my heart beat spasmodically. I cursed under my breath. Why was he so freaking good-looking?

    I smiled softly at Kaede and Rio, before leading Karma out of open study hall. I walked quickly, trying to put ad much distance as I could between myself and the reason for my unwanted thoughts.

    A hand spun me around by the shoulder, and my heart slammed in my chest as I was shoved into the lockers.

    No one else was nearby; it was completely silent except for my hammering heartbeat and Karma's labored breathing.

    His fingers cupped my cheeks softly, forcing me to look at him. He smiled softly, before moving forward and capturing my lips with his. I closed my eyes blissfully.

Our mouths moved together in a rhythm we both knew but neither spoke of.

His hands were restless, moving from my cheeks up through my hair and then down my throat and over my shoulders before sprawling across my chest. Mine tangled in the soft locks of fire that didn't burn my fingers; they were cool and smooth and had the slight scent of vanilla.

His teeth nibbled on my bottom lip, and I opened my mouth, our tongues fighting for dominance. Teeth clashed, tongues battled, hands burned holes through me as they explored my chest, making me shudder as they brushed my sensitive sides.

This boy was undoing me.

He finally dragged his lips away from mine, both of us breathless.

I guided his head so our foreheads met, taking in deep breaths. All my happiness was going to the groin, and I bit my lip, making sure there was distance between our hips.

"Mrs. Sprintz is expecting us," Karma said suddenly, pulling away and fixing his hair, pressing his hands to his cheeks afterwards.

I nodded, slightly disappointed by the sudden detachment, but let him lead me to Mrs. Sprintz's classroom, our lively, lip-filled conversation still battling to win over my crotch's attention.

x x x

Runaway train never going back
Wrong way on a one way track
Seems like I should be getting somewhere
Somehow I'm neither here nor there

I froze at the familiar words emitting from Karma's room.

For the first time ever, I was over at Karma's house. His dad had let me in and told me where the redhead was. He had also mentioned that Karma was in a fragile state with his mother having been gone for six months now.

That song... Runaway Train. Why was Karma listening to that?

I bit my lip, knocking on the doorframe to Karma's room, forcing a grin as he shot up from where he was sprawled on the bed.

"Nagisa!" He cried, eyes lighting up with a mixture of pleasant surprise and anxiety.

I shot a glance at the speakers where the song was blasting from, and Karma fumbled to turn it off, before motioning for me to shut and lock his door.

Once I had done so, he opened his arms for me, and I stepped into them.

We stayed like that for a few moments, his heart beating against mine. I breathed in his comforting scent, relaxing into him.

Karma finally pulled away, pressing his lips to my forehead for a moment before grinning at me. "This is a pleasant surprise." He said easily, though his brow furled slightly.

I pouted at him. "I thought you would be happy to see me." I complained, smacking him on the arm gently.

He frowned slightly. "I am, Nagisa!" Karma laid back on his back, pulling me down into his arms. "I really am, Nagi-Nagi." He teased me with that hated nickname.

I smacked him on the arm again. "Stop it, Karmy!" I shot back.

Karma shuddered, closing his eyes. "Don't even start me with that." He grumbled.

I laughed easily, before falling silent. Should I ask him about that song?

Karma pressed our noses together in a gentle eskimo kiss. "What's wrong?" He asked softly.

I rolled my eyes. "It's not fair you can read me so well," I complained, pouting at him once more. I then took a deep breath, locking our gazes. "Karma, why were you listening to Runaway Train? That's a song about running away. It's not someone's casual I-like-listening-to-it song." I pointed out slowly, watching as something in his golden eyes closed up.

Karma looked away from me. "I like Soul Asylum." He said unconvincingly.

I tapped his cheek with two fingers so he would look at me. "Is this about your mom?" I asked softly.

Karma sat up suddenly, pulling me up as well. "Look at the time," he said quickly, shooting a glance to the clock. He unceremoniously pushed me off him and off the bed, and I fell to the floor.

    Hurt blossomed in my chest, and I bit my lip. "Karma, talk to me. Your dad told me—"

    "It's really none of you beeswax." He shot me a glare. "It's also getting late, so I recommend you leave. Bye Nagisa," he mumbled the last words, turning his back to me.

    I fought down the disappointment. I thought Karma trusted me.

    "Bye Karma..." I said softly, turning to leave.

    Weren't we supposed to trust each other? Maybe not as lovers, but as friends at least, right?

    Also, what had happened with Karma's mom?

A/N: First off I apologize big time for the last update!!
Also I've been listening to a lot of other music and I highly recommend Any Other Way by We the Kings and Fear by Blue October.
Anyway enjoy the chapter!
What do you think happened with Karma's mom?

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