Chapter One The Return of Evil Rick

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'I had fallen to the ground unconscious after Rick and I had returned to the Jungle dimension, after escaping from the Zigerion ship, and my almost wedding to Prince Nebulon...'

"Moira, watch out!" Rick yelled

"What?" I asked

"Moira Sinclair. You're finally mine." The man said

"Damn, why can't all of you freaks just stay dead?" Rick said, firing a laser gun at the man in the shadows

"You can't kill who you know, even if your true opponent ends up being yourself." The man said, removing the hood from his cloak

"Evil Rick? But, you were destroyed by the Morties. You should be dead. Now, set the girl down and go back to whichever slime hole you slithered out of, and we can forget this happened." Rick said, aiming the gun at Evil Rick's head

"You don't wanna do that, C-137. If you want the girl unharmed, place the gun down and walk away." Evil Rick said

"Not until you set her down and disappear." Rick said

"I've cheated death, frozen time and space, and have gone through countless dimensions just to find her. Moira Sinclair is the one I'm after. She will make a magnificent queen once I take over the galaxy and start a Rickpocalypse." Evil Rick said, stepping closer toward the portal, about to take my unconscious body, crossing the threshold between this dimension, and his.

"You wanna take her, you'll have to go through me first, you piece of inter-dimensional trash." Rick said, then changing his aim from Evil Rick's head to his shoulder

"She is wanted by every male being in the galaxy, she has to be rightfully claimed, or there will be a war." Evil Rick said

"Don't give me that, Evil Rick. We both know that Moira will be safer with me. Besides, you can't take her, her aunt is right over there. What would I tell her; that an evil cybernetic version of me kidnapped her niece and took her to an alternate dimension filled with Ricks?" Rick asked

"You'll figure something out, Rick. Now, I have a wedding to plan, a world to conquer and enslave and a whole lotta ass to kick." Evil Rick said

"I'm sorry, did you just say that you have a whole lotta ass to kiss? Because if you're doing that, you can start with mine." Rick said

"Don't come after us, Rick. If you do, you can say goodbye to Moira.. Forever." Evil Rick said, running through the portal, carrying me across the threshold.

"No! Bring her back!" Rick said

"Rick, what happened? Where's my niece?" Rita asked

"She was kidnapped, Rita. I'm sorry, but we'll get her back, I don't know how, but we will get Moira back." Rick said

'Hours had passed, I had started coming in and out of consciousness, until a blurred Evil Rick had started to come into focus, I then see that I'm chained to a wall...'

"Rick, what's with the evil overlord look? And when did you get that scar on your lip?" I asked

"The Rick Sanchez you know, isn't in this dimension. As for me, I am Evil Rick. Your future husband, lover and king of the galaxy." Evil Rick said

"Is every Rick Sanchez romantically obsessed with me?" I asked

"Could you blame us, everyone wants you because you're the most gorgeous creature in all the galaxy, Moira. That's the reason the inter-dimensional males are hell-bent on possessing you." Evil Rick said

"That explains the Zigerion Prince." I said

"I've never heard of these Zigerions you speak of. But I assure that you will belong to me." Evil Rick said

"Do I ever feel safe with you..." I said with an icy tone

"You should. You will be Queen of the Galaxy once I win the battle for your heart." Evil Rick said

'With that, Evil Rick had retired for the night, I had looked out the barred window, at the night sky, thinking to myself, and of Rita...'

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